Chapter 79

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Harry's POV
Now that Molly and Dumbledore are dead, we plan to relax.

"Where do you want to go to, pup?" Dad asked.

"Now, to bed. I want to sleep the whole day. I am tired after using a lot of magic today." I said as I leaned back on the couch.

I morphed myself to look like a ten year old and transfigured my clothes to fit me.

Sev sat beside me and let me lean on him. "Sleep. I'll wake you when we eat." He said.

I nodded and closed my eyes.

Just then, Madam Bones' patronus appeared.
"We have an issue. Most of Dumbledore's followers are trying to barge into the ministry to obtain justice for his soul." Was her message.

"I bet most of them are from the Order. The one leading them should be McGonagall." I said as I got up from the couch.

"Didn't we put her to sleep?" Dad asked.

"Her core is strong enough to fight the effects." I said.

Dad and Papa walked to the fire and flooed to the ministry.

A few minutes later, they flooed back.

"You are correct, pup. It is McGonagall, and most are from the Order." Dad said.

"I wish someone would knock some sense into their heads at times like this." I mumbled.

Sev chuckled. "Should we do that then." He asked.

I nodded.

Sev and Moiz stood up and walked with me as we flooed to the ministry. Dad and Papa flooed after us. So did Frank, Regulus, and Barty.

We walked to the entrance to see most of the lower ranking order members standing there saying that Dumbledore's soul needed justice.

When Madam Bones saw us, she smiled.

"Thank you for coming. They haven't stopped this for a while." She said.

"Sonorus." I said. "Everybody calm down." I said.

When the people became silent, "I will tell you everything the man has done till date. Then you can decide if he needs the justice you are shouting for or not. But until I finish, I want all of you to stay quiet and listen to me. Am I understood?" I asked.

All of them nodded.

"It started with Gallert Grindelwald. Albus Dumbledore was his soul mate. While they planned to dominate the wizarding world, they could not come to the same conclusions as time went.
During one of their clashes, Dumbledore's sister, Ariana Dumbledore, was hit with a lethal spell and died.
Dumbledore blamed Grindelwald for that, though it was his own spell that hit her.
From that moment, Grindelwald and Dumbledore fought.
'For the greater good' a quote Dumbledore uses is originally Gallert Grindelwald's.
Dumbledore always knew how to defeat Grindelwald, but why do you think he waited until Grindlewald became a threat to most of the wizarding world? Why did he not defeat him when he started to go astray? Have you ever thought of it?" I asked.

Most of the people started to think. Good. More evidence, and they might sway. But I have to be faster.

Sev and Moiz were looking at me with pride, and so were dad and Papa.

Madam Bones was amazed that I could control a crowd they were having a hard time with ease.

"And as Lord Slytherin-Gaunt said during the Wizengamot, he had the biggest had in turning a genius like Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt to the most feared and the strongest dark lord Voldemort we know today.
He knew of the abuse Tom went through in the orphanage, but he never accepted Tom's pleas to stay at Hogwarts, whereas the headmaster at that time, Headmaster Dippet, agreed. He convinced Headmaster Dippet that Tom had to go back as all the students would be going back to their home.
The more Tom went back, the colder he became and more ambitious. He was also scared of death, as he had to live during the World War that took place in the muggle world where many people died.
When Dumbledore knew Tom could speak in Parseltongue, instead of guiding him to become a respected lord to the house of Slytherin, he did nothing and orchestrated his plan.
He made sure that Tom got to know about Horcruxes, a dark art to make someone immortal, with the side effects of insanity.
The more horcruxes Tom made, the more insane he became.
Dumbledore thought that he would be able to destroy Tom and gain the fame he was losing with time. But Tom grew stronger than him.
So he planned for a savior whom he could teach and make him a stepping stone.
When Trelawney came for the interview, he knew it was the right time.
He made her come to Hogs Head for the interview where she said the prophecy.
One of the followers heard it and reported it to Tom.
As we all know, only only children born at the end of July were the Potter and Longbottom heirs.
Dumbledore asked them to go into hiding, which both families did to protect their child.
When he knew that Heir Potter could be easily made into his weapon if both his parents were to die, he planned it in such a way that one of Lord Potter's friends, Peter Pettigrew, a low rank death eater, was made the secret keeper.
At the right time, Peter told Tom the location of the Potters, and Tom went there to kill his destroyer.
What happened after, all of you know. Tom died. Lord Black and Lord Lupin arrived to take their godson and adopted son with them.
Dumbledore tried to make Lord Black follow Pettigrew so that he could place Heir Potter-Black with the Dursleys, Lily Potter's sister's family, who are known to hate anything to do with magic, and would abuse Heir Potter-Black if he were to show any signs of magic.
He knew that when Heir Potter-Black came back, he would be the guide. He would mold him in such a way that he would do anything to be accepted. Even get himself killed, if asked to.
When Heir Potter-Black and Tom, if he were to be resurrected, fight, one would lose.
If Tom lost, he would proclaim himself the trainer of the Heir Potter-Black and be remembered forever.
If Heir Potter-Black were to lose, he knows that a piece of horcrux in Heir Potter-Black would be destroyed. At that moment, if Dumbledore were to give the final strike, Tom could not defend. He would again be hailed as the savior." I said.

"Well, that didn't happen yet." McGonagall screamed.


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