Chapter 7

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Harry's POV
I was then placed on my chair, and the adults sat on the couches facing each other.

When Sirius took out a small ritual knife and poked his index finger and dropped seven drops of his blood into the potion and gave me, I looked at Moony expectantly.

When Mooney realized what I wanted, he looked scared. He asked, "Do you want me to do it too cub?"

I nodded and clapped my hands.

He looked at dad and mom, who were giving him encouraging looks. He was still hesitant.

Mom walked to him, turned him towards her, and asked, "Remus, does Moony accept Harry?" Remmy nodded. "Do you want Harry to be yours too?" He nodded again and growled very lightly. Moony did not like the idea of me not being his. "Your furry problem won't be transmitted by blood, Remus. You know that as well. It will be transmitted through saliva in the blood, and what is the possibility that Moony will attack your cub when in wolf form?"

"Nothing. There is no possibility that Moony would attack my cub, even in the wolf form."

"Then just poke yourself and claim Harry as your son too, Remus." Dad said, smiling at him while Sirius handed him the knife.

Remus smiled and then nodded. He poked his index finger and let seven drops fall into the potion before healing his finger.

The potion was then put in front of me. I looked at it with interest.

"I know the potion will taste vile, pup. But if you gulp it down and bear with the stinging feeling you might feel for a while after ingesting the potion, I will give you all the treacle tarts you want." Sirius said, trying to bribe me to drink the potion since he thought that I would not take the potion since it looked gross.

I gave him an exasperated look and reached out for the potion.

Mom lifted me from the chair and placed me on her lap and reached for the potion and slowly tipped the edge, and let the potion slide into my mouth. It didn't taste good, but I wanted to do it. So I drank all of the potion.

Soon after I downed the potion, my body felt like I had been hit with very mild stinging hexes all over. Tears filled and dropped from my eyes.

I guess, as a baby, I didn't have much pain tolerance like I did when I entered Hogwarts back then.

Sirius took me from mom, who reluctantly handed me over to him. I turned and hugged him as I felt the stinging feeling going away.

As soon as the feeling was gone, I looked at him and put my hand forward for my treacle tart. He put his hand on mine. I hit his hand and put my hand forward again. He finally understood that I wanted my treacle tart, and burst out laughing but took one out from his coat pocket and gave it to me.

I sat on his lap and happily munched on my treacle tart. Everyone looked at me with big smiles on their faces.

"I need to go and make a will. I should contact my solicitor and inform him about Harry. I will also be submitting the paperwork in the ministry and Gringotts.
I'll be here tomorrow morning." Sirius said.

"I'll come with you." Remus said, and he caught Sirius' arm when he tried to stand.

Mom and dad looked at each other and then gave them the knowing smiles. Remus blushed, but Sirius, he looked smug. He nodded and gave me back to mom.

When they got up, I waved my arms at them while Sirius smiled and gave me a flying kiss, while Remus waved his hand and said, "We'll be here tomorrow, cub."


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