Chapter 36

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Harry's POV
Dumbledore gaped at Remus. He couldn't believe that Remus was talking against him.

Severus said, "Go now, Albus. I will not hold myself back if you stay and insist that I work for you or that Voldemort would come back. He is gone, and I am not interested in teaching dunderheads any longer than I have."

Albus didn't know what else he could do. He walked out of the room.

"What do you mean he lost money, Severus?" Frank asked.

"There was evidence of transfer of huge sum of galleons from Remus' and my vaults to his vault. We asked the goblins to return the money with interest. His accounts are almost empty now. He would not be able to pay for the fine if I were to press charge on him." Severus explained.

Alice looked at Sirius and asked, "You wanted to tell something to us, right? Shall we leave the hospital now?"

Sirius and Remus nodded.

Alice and Frank walked out to meet a healer and get themselves checked for side effects of the Cruciatus curse. When they found they were healthy, they were given a clean chit of health. Though the healers were gobsmacked to see Alice and Frank up and walking when they have been declared insane and almost dead, in coma.

When we walked out of St. Mungo's, Sirius said, "Shall we have some food. I'm starving. We didn't have breakfast yet."

Remus laughed but agreed with him. The adults have decided that we would go to Black Manor, have breakfast, and then have a talk.

We apparated to Black Manor and asked Kreacher for a breakfast. He started to cook immediately. 

In half an hour, we had a full English breakfast in front of us. Neville and I were fed some toast and milk.

After breakfast, we moved to the informal lounge area and sat down. Severus still had me in my arms, so Moiz took my hands into his. Sirius and Remus shook their heads.

"You can put Harry down Severus. He would have a little exercise. You have been holding him from yesterday." Sirius smiled and said.

"No, thank you. I shall hold him for as long as I want or until he wants to get down and play." Severus said while he mock glared at Sirius. Remus was just watching amused. Moiz, on the other hand, was in agreement with Severus.

"What is it that you wanted to talk, Sirius?" Frank asked. Though he found the situation funny, they had to talk about something serious, based on Sirius' expression.

"Please do not interrupt us while we are talking." Sirius pleaded.

Alice and Frank nodded.

"All of this began when we went to meet James and Lily yesterday morning.
When we entered the house, James was throwing Harry in the air and playing with him. When Harry saw Remus and me walk in, he called for me. Then he called Remus, Lily, and James.
Remus and I decided that we wanted to adopt Harry as our son, and James and Lily were all in for it. After the adoption, we went to file the documents in the ministry and Gringotts so that Harry could have access to the Black vaults as well.
At night, I received an emergency message from Lily and went there immediately. We were late, though. James and Lily were dead. Harry was alive, thankfully.
Dumbledore and Hagrid came to take Harry to Lily's sister. But as Harry was our son, we kept him with us.
Then we went to James and Lily's will reading. We found a bunch of potions and compulsions in the tests." Sirius said.

"Then we found that the enmity with Severus was all forced.
We also found out that Harry had come back in time to right the wrongs that had happened in his previous life.
We found that Severus and Moiz were his soulmates." Remus continued.

"Then we found that Harry here was the master of Death in his previous life. Death, or he likes to be called, Mortem, had appeared and told us about all of Harry's life. Then, he gave us an inheritance test of Harry's before he died.
He also gave us Neville's inheritance test, but he asked us not to open it without you present.
He then explained what had happened to you. We have decided that Neville should not live with his grandmother after what we had heard. Mortem said he could revive you and heal you. He thought Nevile also deserved a better life than the one he had.
When we came to St. Mungo's, he healed your minds and went away to his realm. Then, we discovered that Neville here also has memories of his past life." Severus finished.

"Well, that was a lot to take in. So you mean to say that Neville has memories of his past life?" Frank asked.

Sirius nodded.

Frank looked at Neville and asked, "Is it true, Nev?" Neville nodded his head. "Were we with you?" Neville shook his head. "You were with my mother?!" Frank almost shouted. Neville nodded while he looked at his lap.

"Give us Neville's inheritance test." Alice asked. She was hugging Neville from the moment she got to know about Neville's inheritence test.

Remus gave it to her.


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