Chapter 4

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Harry's POV
Death shook his head. 

I sank back into chair from where I came to the edge when I was asking Death about Hermione. My shoulders drooped, and I sighed as I leaned against the chair.

I motioned for him to continue.

"She was made your friend. She was there to make sure never to let you read what you wanted and let you read only what Dumbledore wanted you to read.
Have you ever thought why it was that you were never aware of the facts that she tells you?"

I shook my head.

"Want to make a rough guess?"

"If I were to read what I wanted, then I would definitely do better than her. If I were to do better than her, I'd not listen to everything she tells and research for it myself."

Death nodded. "Not only that, they knew that you were supposed to go to slytherin but told you all those lies so that you could be sorted into gryffindor. She also wantedly never told you about not knowing about you as a horcrux.
Not just that. Dumbledore was paying Hermione, Ronald, Ginerva, and Molly from your account. He also took a lot for himself and some for the Order of the Phoenix. I'd like to call them the order of flaming chickens, though. It suits the members. They just run around screaming their lungs out like chicken but do nothing."

That got a chuckle out of me.

"So, what about Arthur, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George?" I asked. I hoped at least they were by my side.

"They are with you master. They could never betray you."

I sighed in relief. I asked, "What else did they do to me?"

The room that was already cold became even cooler. His magic was seeping out of him and lashing around, but it didn't hurt me. His face had turned downright murderous.

"Death?" I called out, hoping that my voice would get him out of his fuming.

He jerked his head towards me so fast that if he were not a God, his neck would have broken or cramped in the least.

"I apologize master. It is just that they had stooped so low to get things done that not the most sinister people would do."

'Tell me what they did, Death." I asked, wanting to know what else they had done to me.

"They gave you love ptions, compulsion potions, loyalty potions, trust potions, and mistrust potions keyed towards themselves and the slytherins.
Dumbledore had gone a step higher and blocked a certain abilities of yours and your magic and your soul mates. Blocked your connection to them and their connection to you.Stole your money and gave some to the Dursleys."

I looked at him gobsmacked. I had mates, not a single mate.

"To whom were the potions correctly keyed to ?"

"The love potions were keyed to Ginerva. The loyalty potions were keyed to Dumbledore, Ron, Ginerva, Hermione, and Molly. The compulsion potions were to make you obedient to them and never tell about your abuse to anyone. The trust potions were keyed to Dumbledore, Ron, Ginerva, Hermione, Molly, and anyone from gryffindor except the Weasley twins. The mistrust potions were keyed to all slytherin, Snape, Malfoys, and Voldemort."

"Can I know who my mates are?"

"You already know them, my master. There is a very thin line between love and hate."

I only hated Umbridge, Tom, Snape, and Draco Malfoy. I was not leaning towards the opposite gender and I knew it. So I know that Umbridge was out. Then, it is Malfoy, Tom, and Snape.

"I am getting the feeling that they are the ones who have repeatedly tried to either kill me or ridicule me or make my life at Hogwarts a living hell. So my guess is Snape and Riddle." I sighed.

When he beamed at me, I knew I was right. He nodded.

"They indeed are your mates master."

"Tell me, Death, did Dumbledore let Snape be abused by his father and ridiculed by the marauders, too?"

Death looked down but nodded. Now I know why he took his anger out on me. I looked like the carbon copy of my father.

"I have decided what to do. But, can I ask a few questions before I tell you my decision?"


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