Chapter 74

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Harry's POV
"Minerva, what are you doing?" Severus asked.

"What do you think, Severus? I am trying to stop you from hurting Aberforth like you had hurt Albus." Minerva said.

"You do know what Albus did to us, right? Why do you support him?" Severus asked.

"He did it for the greater good." Minerva said.

'Do you know that the greater good sentence was taken from Gallert Grindelwald, my master?' Mortem asked through the link.

'I didn't. Can I use this knowledge to my advantage in this situation?' I asked him.

'Yes master.' He said and closed the link.

"Greater good? Did you know that your mentor, Albus Dumbledore, took the phrase, 'For the greater good' from his mate Grindelwald? He's nothing but an ambitious old fool. He plans to preach his 'light magic is the greatest' ideals, but does he know that only the people of magical Britain will believe him?" I said, with a disappointed tone and expression.

"Then you must be naive." She said as she fired a severing charm at me.

Moiz cast a protection shield in front of me, and Severus added his magic to the shield.

"That is enough." Dad said as he fired a body bind spell and a silencing spell silently at Minerva. When she was bound, Remus cast a shield all around him and walked to her to grab her wand.

Aberforth levitated her and walked inside with us. He placed her on a table and cast another binding spell so that she was bound to the table. "I'll get the crystal." He said and walked up the stairs and came back in a few minutes with a small silver box in his hand.

He opened it and gave the crystal to Moiz.

"It is his soul piece." Moiz confirmed. "But, as Moira said, we can't break it. Albus has to cast the killing curse at it himself so that the soul in this would be destroyed and he would become a mortal again." He said.

"What about Molly? She would never destroy that chain." Arthur said.

"We have to steal it from her." I said.

"How are we supposed to do that, Harry? She'll be with Dumbledore now." Arthur said.

"We need to lure them here. But not now. There are students inside the castle. We can not risk their lives for us." I said.

Moiz looked at Aberforth and asked, "Does he know that you know what this crystal is?" Aberforth shook his head. "As Lord Slytherin-Gaunt, I can issue that all students have to go back during Samhain. We can provide residence elsewhere for the ones who can't go back." He said.

"Molly would urge him to get it immediately. He would rather risk his life to get the crystal than listen to her shrieking." Arthur said.

"What if we use the original wards of Hogwarts and close all entry and exit points with the help of the staff in the castle? We would have to get Poppy out, and the remaining staff will help us. We have all four lords right here." I said.

Moiz, Severus, and Alice looked at me and nodded.

"That might work. The students will be safe, and we can get the crystal from Molly. All of us know that Albus will fire the killing curse at Moiz the moment he sees him." Severus said.

"Pup, stay out of the fight. You need a wand for certain spells and shields." Dad said.

I tapped my ring and thought of the Elder Wand. When it appeared in my hand, "Can you come again, Dad? I wasn't listening." I said.

Dad sighed. "Then stay by my side or Remus or your mates. Do not go beyond two meter range from them." He said.

I nodded.

Minerva was staring at the wand.

I walked to her and removed the silencing charm on her and asked, "Does the wand look familiar?"

"How dare you steal Albus' wand?" She shouted.

"Albus' wand? You must be joking. This wand belongs to the Peverells. It was given by Death himself. As a descendant of the Peverell family, this wand is my birthright. And for your kind information, it was Mortem, the diety Death, who took it from him and gave it to me." I said, glaring at her, who was trying to free herself from the binds and grab the wand in my hands.

"It will follow Albus." She said with a mocking smile on her face.

"I have mastered all the three Deathly Hallows." I said, as I silenced her and put the wand tip on the ring to that the wand would be stored in the ring.

Severus walked to me and nudged me to the side and lifted her face, and tipped a vial of potion down her throat.

"What was that?" I asked.

But before he answered, she fell on the table and didn't move.

"Draught of Living Death. Nice plan." Moiz said.

"She would not wake up till tomorrow." Severus said.

"If Albus were to try legilimency on any of us, it would not work, so she would be his option. Good. Aberforth, we would like you to stay inside." Lucius said.

Aberforth nodded.

"Mortem." I said.

"Yes, master." He appeared beside and said.

"Can you put Poppy to sleep till tomorrow and drop her here? And then warn the remaining staff to keep all the students inside the castle. You can ask the ghosts to monitor the children as well." I said.

He nodded and disappeared. A few moments later, he came with Poppy and placed her beside Minerva on the table. "I have asked all the staff, except Trelawney, to keep an eye on the students. I have commanded the ghosts to assist the staff. The Poltergeist, Peeves, wants to help you, so I have allowed him to go beyond the boundary of the castle for today." He said and disappeared again.

Severus, Moiz, Alice, and Dad said, "We, lords and Lady of Hogwarts, do hereby close all entry and exit points in the castle. So mote it be." The glowed for a moment.

"I feel two magical signatures entering the wards I put around the inn. Get ready." Moiz said a few moments later.

I tapped my ring, and the wand appeared in my hand, and I held it tightly.

The adults surrounded me and stood ready to fight. I shook my head. They seem to underestimate me.

Aberforth had taken Minerva and Poppy to the cellar and sealed the entrance of the room.


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