Chapter 1

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Harry's POV
After dropping the resurrection stone on the forest floor, I walked to the destination Voldemort had called me to.

Honestly, I was not scared that I might die tonight. It was my only option to see and meet my parents after sixteen years of not knowing how they were. I am also happy that I would get to meet Sirius after he fell into the veil.

Sirius' death was entirely my fault. If I hadn't rushed to the Department of Mysteries based on that fake vision Voldemort put in my head, he wouldn't have charged there for my rescue. Remus wouldn't have lost his only remaining friend alive.

I could also meet Remus and Tonks. He was a father figure for me, and Tonks was like a sibling for me. I had failed both of them. I know I can't look after Teddy, my sweet little godson.

I could finally meet all the people who have sacrificed themselves for me. This was my war, yet they were all dragged into it. I could finally apologize to every soul that has given itself to me.

When I came back from my thoughts, I had already reached close to the place most of the death eaters were at. I felt glad that I could at the very least save Hagrid's life. He was the first ever person to speak kindly me. He also took me shopping and was the person to introduce me to the wizarding world.

When Hagrid saw me, he tried to break free and save me, how courageous. If I had had one ounce of that, Voldemort would have become that misty form he was in when he was feeding unicorn blood when I was eleven.
He had tears in his eyes. He knew I had come here to die. I know I won't survive this fiasco. I wrote down a will that would come into effect the second I die.

I knew I was being selfish, but I wrote that everything I had gotten from my parents and Sirius would go to Teddy. Ron might combust in anger, and so might Ginny, but Hermione would understand why I did it. I know Andy would look after him and tell him the tales of his parents and how they were war heroes.

Bellatrix started to cackle like the mad woman she was. She definitely had her mind destroyed due to her stay in Azkaban, or she might have already been like that due to the black madness.

Voldemort had a very sinister smile planted on his face when his eyes landed on me. He gloated, "The boy who lived has finally come to die."

I could hear Hagrid screaming at me to run away, but I didn't. I knew dying was my only option. I know now that for Voldemort to die, I had to die. The piece of him in me had to die.

So when Voldemort lifted his arm and pointed his wand at me and shouted, "Avada Kedavra," and the green light hit me in the chest, I welcomed that light. I knew with this death of mine, Voldemort would become a mortal again after Nagini's death, and anyone could kill him. I know Neville could do it. He might seem cowardly, but that man would be the right person to do the job when it counts.

When the curse hit me, my mind went blank, and I could see nothing. But before I blanked out, I heard Voldemort screaming in agony. His soul in me was finally destroyed. I mentally smirked when only Nagini was left to kill.


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