Chapter 63

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Harry's POV
I turned to Papa and asked, "Can I have your wand. He knows you don't do wandless magic easily."

He nodded and gave me his wand. I could only do basic to NEWT level magic as my core is not strong enough for a higher level of magic yet. Apparition could also be accidental, so it was okay to cast those spells and apparate wandlessly and wordlessly.

I apparated to the beach in Woolacombe and started walking towards the mansion.

On my way, I sensed Dumbledore and Molly following me under disillusionment charms, though they were badly done. I was trying so hard not to smirk at their foolishness. I thought Dumbledore was a genius, but if he could not even realize that my magical signature was different from Remus', then he's a fool.

When I entered the mansion gates, I left them open so that they could enter.

The moment they entered, I could feel dad blocking their exit from the mansion and also blocking their magic. I stunned both of them after casting wordless levitation charms on Ron and Ginny. I slowly brought them to me and held them carefully.

Dad came out, followed by Amelia and Kingsley. Looks like he had informed them about it. Kingsley had cuffed both of them and apparated away.

"Nice to meet you again, Remus." Amelia said.

"I am not Remus, Madame Bones. I am Harry." I said as I shifted back to my ten year old form and gave Papa's wand to dad. Dad had then transfigured my clothes to match his style.

"How?" Amelia asked as she looked between me and dad.

"Metamorphmagus ability of my family." Dad said.

Amelia nodded in understanding.

"Can you explain what you are doing here?" She asked me.

"I was the best option to come here. I do not want to lose dad or Papa to Dumbledore, and neither would I want to lose my mates, so I came." I said.

"What if he were to kill you?" Amelia asked.

I smiled. "I can't die no matter what he does. I can be injured but not die." I said.

"That is right, my master. I shall always be there to save you." Mortem said as he appeared out of nowhere again.

"Do not do that again, Mortem. It will scare normal people." I said.

"I wanted to see you, though." Mortem said, pouting.

"Try not to say those dialogues in front of Severus or Moiz. They might feel hurt being Harry's mates." Dad said.

Mortem nodded and disappeared.

"Who was that?" Amelia asked calmly, though she looked like she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs.

"That is Mortem, or we know him better as Death." Dad said.

"What was Death doing here? And why was he acting so civil with Heir Potter-Black?" Amelia asked.

"Because pup is the Master of Death." Dad said, his voice full of pride.

"How did he do that?" Amelia asked.

"If you vow on your magic to never reveal anything you are going to know now unless you are given permission to tell others, I will explain." I said.

"Well, some secrets are better left as secrets." Amelia said. She turned to dad and said, "Come back after you have settled in your new residence with your family." Showing the Gryffindor mansion.

Dad nodded, and Amelia apparated away.

Dad took Ginny from me since she was still only a few months old while I held Ron and walked to the floo room in the mansion and flooed to the Slytherin Manor on the Private Islands.

The moment I stepped out of the floo, I was in Remus' arms, surrounded by Severus and Moiz, being examined for any injuries, and Ron and Ginny snatched from dad and me by Arthur who was checking if they had any injuries.

"I am fine. I didn't get hurt. Amelia and Kingsley got them before they could do anything." I said to Papa, Severus, and Moiz. I turned to Arthur and said, "It would be better to go to Gringotts and get them checked. Molly would have put some potions in the time they were with her to either hate you or follow her principles."

Arthur nodded. He looked at Bill and said, "Keep the twins from causing any mischief, as much as you can." He added the second part after looking at the expression Bill made. Bill nodded.

Arthur held Ron and Ginny and walked to the fire to floo to Gringotts.


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