Chapter 73

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Harry's POV
"I will tell you, but please promise me that none of you would use that method." Moira said.

All of us nodded.

Arthur had asked all the Weasley kids to go to their rooms. Narcissa took Draco, and Arthur had to hold the twins and take them to their room.

After Arthur and Narcissa came back and sat beside their partners, Moira started.

"Salazar Slytherin had the ability to become the assistant of my brother Time. He asked me to test him. So I told Salazar about the method.
Salazar had recorded the method but promised that he would not use it, and neither would his descendants. He said he would record it in the serpent tongue. How did Dumbledore know about it?"

"That would be thanks to him getting guardianship over me and access to my vaults. My uncle, Morfin, would have read the method." Moiz said.

"Oh. Alright, then I shall tell the method.
This one is similar to making horcruxes but different as well.
When you make a horcrux, after the ritual, you kill someone. They might die voluntarily, or it might be a murder.
But in this method, you have to complete the ritual, and you have to have a person ready to sacrifice their life for you. They have to stab themselves in the heart and bleed out completely. When the person dies due to complete loss of blood, the one who performed the ritual would collect the blood and crystallize it and store their soul in that blood crystal.
The crystal would be hard to break since the soul of the person who sacrificed themselves would be its shield.
The only way to break it is for the one whose soul is inside, has to break it.
You would also age a little and then would never age. It is why Time and Death never liked this method.
The souls never reach the death realm."

"You mean to say that they had someone sacrifice themselves willingly." I asked.

Moira nodded.

"What if that person is imperiod? Would that work?" Moiz asked.

"No. You have to be clear in what you do. The person sacrificing their life should not be under any spell, curse, or potion." Moira said after she shook her head.

"Did anyone use this method other than Salazar or his descendants?" Severus asked.

Moira shook her head.

"Is that the necklace Molly wears every day?" Arthur asked. "It looked like frozen blood that I asked her about it once. She said it was a gift from Albus for her birthday and said it was a precious gem that looked like blood."

"Might have been. It is not possible to disillusion the crystal nor transfigure it." Moira said.

"Albus had a crystal that looked like frozen blood. He gave it to me. Shall we go to my inn to get it? It is in the inn. He didn't come to me after he escaped." Aberforth said.

"He might have thought that you didn't know about it, so you wouldn't do anything to that crystal." Severus said.

"If that is all, I shall go back to my realm." Moira said and disappeared.

Mortem shook his head. "Give respect to master." He mumbled. "I shall be teaching her how to behave with you, master." He said.

"Don't be too hard." I said with a smile.

He smiled at me and disappeared.

"Should we go to the inn?" Moiz asked.

"Maybe. But be on guard." Dad said.

"You have to leave Neville with the kids. He might have his memories, but his body is still that if a child's." Papa said.

Alice nodded and went to leave Neville with the Weasley children.

When she came back, "Looks like Draco would be safe with the twins. They are not even letting their older brothers touch him. When I placed Neville beside Draco, they wanted to object, but when Draco held Nev's hand, they just sat beside Draco and let him do as he pleased." She said with a smile.

"I know." Narcissa said.

All of us walked out of the Manor and apparated to Hog's Head inn and went inside.

I sensed a blasting curse coming our way and put up the best shield my magic could. Soon, Severus and Moiz added their magic to my shield to make it stronger.

When we turned back to see who it was, we were shocked.


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