Chapter 43

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Harry's POV
Moiz knew it was time to tell about who he was. He had not harmed the ones in the room personally except Siri, Remmy, and me, and by extension, Severus as well.

Moiz got up and bowed. "Now is the time to tell you about me. If I had hurt you personally, I am sorry. I hurt Harry, Severus, very badly. By extension, I had also hurt Sirius and Remus. I would do everything in my power to redeem myself.
But before you judge me for my actions, please listen to what I have to tell you." He pleaded.

They nodded.

"I am Harry's and Severus' mate, Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt. I was also known by Tom Marvolo Riddle before I changed my name." He said. Lucius held his wand tight but didn't do anything.

Frank and Alice looked at Sirius and Remus. When they nodded, Frank and Alice relaxed. They trusted Sirius and Remus. They would never allow any harm to come to me, and they knew it.

"I was the son of Tom Riddle, a muggle who, in the influence of amortentia, sired me. When he was out of its influence, he left my pregnant mother, Merope Gaunt.
Merope didn't go back to her abusive father and brother but went to the muggle orphanage in Wales, the Wool's Orphanage. She birthed me there but died in the process.
I was raised in the orphanage. I was bullied until I got to know how to control my magic.
When I was eleven, I was given the letter by Dumbledore. I was naive at that time and told him I could control my magic by Will, and I could also talk to snakes.
From then, he kept a close eye on me and tried to throw me out of the school if he had a chance. As the summer approached, I asked the headmaster Dippet if I could stay at Hogwarts as I was bullied in the orphanage. They even got priests to perform exorcism on me.
Dippet was about to agree, but the coot never allowed it and insisted that I go back.
Every year, the same happened. I would request Dippet, but the coot would not agree.
During my sixth year, I found the Chamber of Secrets. I was not going to let the basilisk out. It always followed me to the ending and sent me back. I didn't know Martle was there. Her death was unfortunate, but since she was dead, I created my first horcrux, my diary.
Then I framed Hagrid for her death, and he was expelled.
Slowly, I made more horcruxes because I was scared to die. I grew up in the time of the Second World War. There were missiles falling everywhere, and no one knew when it was their time to die. My fear of death had increased from then.
The more horcruxes I made, the more insane I became.
I had already made five, Harry was my sixth horcrux, then I have my main soul. After I had cast the curse at Harry, my body had blasted to smithereens.
When I was about to possess an animal, Mortem had appeared before me, put my soul together, and let me rearrange my mind. What I discovered was disastrous. I had gone too low. I have done things I would not have done if I was sane.
Mortem had explained about Harry and showed everything to me until that timeline had ceased to exist.
Then he explained why I made horcruxes. I was compelled to do it. Me framing Hagrid was also the coot's doing. He had also cast the Imperius Curse on me to go and kill the Potters. My insane mind had agreed to it wholeheartedly, and I went after the Potters." He explained. Then he looked at the Longbottoms. "I have never commanded Bellatrix to harm you. She did it all by herself. But please do not punish the other three. No matter if I was insane or not, I had trained those three. They are my students who know the difference between right and wrong. They used to tell me about it no matter how many times they were cruciod for it." Moiz pleaded.

"Did you really tell the death eaters to not do anything while you went after the Potters?" Frank asked.

"I, Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt, do herby swear,on my magic that everything I have explained and told you today is true. If not, let my magic be ripped away from me. So, mote it be." He vowed. Then he cast lumos and nox.

Frank smiled at Moiz. "Even if you didn't ask us to save them, we would have. They were not in the wrong. But before that, did you have any plans for the future when you were still sane? If yes, what were they?" Frank asked. "But before you answer that, you would better deal with Lucius." He said.

When we turned to Lucius, we all saw him in tears. "My father had always told me how you had changed after Martle's death. He had always looked up to you. He wished he would be there when he could see you back as yourself, but unfortunately, he isn't. Can you come to the Manor later with us so that you could talk to his portrait." Lucius asked.

Moiz walked to him and pulled Lucius into a hug. "I wanted to ask, but I was afraid you would reject me after what I have done and become." He said as he smiled.

Lucius hugged him back and said, "I could never. My father would never let me see the end of the day if I did." He chuckled.


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