Chapter 78

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Harry's POV
When we were on the grounds of Hogwarts, Sev and Moiz caste a shield around us.

Hogwarts had already put all the children in the dorms and locked them.

Professor Flitwick saw us from the astronomy tower and started to come down.

When we reached the hall, he was running to us.

"The school is in lockdown. Hogwarts has locked the children in the dorms. What is happening?" He asked.

"Dumbledore. He took some of Lily's blood, which belongs to Emrys and Lefay lines. There is a rune in the books, when combined, can make your soul stay hooked to the land of the living." Sev explained as we tried to walk as fast as we could to Dumbledore's quarters.

"Won't Ron and Ginny have the blood of the lines then?" Madam Bones asked.

"No, he drew the rune after their birth. Meaning he didn't adopt himself into any lines before Ginny conceived." Kairos said.

"He must have felt the need to do it." Moiz said.

"What do you mean?" Dad asked.

"Think, I am Lord to Slytherin, I could find what he did to my uncle and could take revenge by exposing him after destroying the blood crystal. The entire text is written in the journals of Salazar Slytherin.
He might have felt that Voldemort could also do it since he was the lord to Slytherin before me. He wanted a second option.
But that could only have happened when Voldemort asked his followers to locate the Potters and the Longbottoms. When he was feeling that Harry would not survive, he needed himself stronger.
That happened only a few months ago, when Voldemort went completely silent, searching for the two families.
That might be when he adopted himself into all the lines of the muggleborns. He might not have even known that Lily Potter was from the lines of Emrys and Lefay." Moiz explained.

We reached his office, which was connected to his quarters.

"Skittles." Professor Flitwick gave the password, and the gargoyle opened.

We walked up the staircase and opened the room only to see Dumbledore roaming around.

Mortem put a shield around us so that he could not take over any of our bodies.

When Dumbledore charged towards me, Mortem stepped forward and pointed his scythe at him, thanks to which he stepped back.

"Don't you dare try to hurt my master, you fool." Mortem said. He looked calm, but I could feel his anger through the bond.

"Kairos, can you stop his movement?" I asked.

Kairos nodded and snapped his fingers, and Dumbles stopped moving, but he could see what was going on. It was like his soul was paralyzed but not his eyes and face.

I slowly walked to his table while Kairos turned Dumbles towards me so that I could see his expression.

While I went through his desk, his face got paler the more I went to the left drawer.

When I touched it, he could not hold back and opened his mouth to shout.

Mortem silenced him.

When I opened the drawer, I saw a flat stone slab with a rune on it.

I took it out and showed it to Mortem.

"Yes master. That is the one." He said.

Moiz walked to me with Sev at his side.

He examined the rune to see if it would give a reaction while it was destroyed whole.

"It would not give any negative reaction, but you need power higher than the coot to break the slab. He made the slab that way after drawing the rune on it." Moiz said.

Dumbledore started to smile.

"If you think that no one is stronger than you, think again. My inheritence said that I have a core higher than Merlin." I said.

"But Harry, you are still a child. You can not use magic." Madam Bones said.

"Yes, but magic with a wand is not allowed. Wordless and wandless magic is taken as accidental magic when the caster is still a child.
I am still a year old, so my magic would only be considered as very powerful accidental magic." I said.

"You are Harry Potter?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"A perfect loop hole." She said.

"Thank you." I said as I looked at Madam Bones. Then i turned to Professor Flitwick, "Harry Potter-Black, to be precise, Professor." I replied.

"Bombarda Maxima." I said as I put my hand on the slab and concentrated my magic only on the slab.

The slab broke into tiny pieces and scattered on the table.

Dumbledore's soul disappeared the moment the slab broke.

Mortem smiled and said, "He is finally in my realm. I shall give him a piece of my mind." And vanished after I nodded.

After informing Professor Flitwick that we had to leave, Kairos apparated us, excluding Professor Flitwick, back to the Slytherin Manor.

"I know you won't let me call you master. I want to have a mental connection with you like the one you have with him and Moira." He asked.

I smiled and nodded after Mortem and Moira said it would be up to me.

He snapped his fingers. There was a slight pain, but it was gone, just like when the connection was formed with Moira.

"Thank you, Harry. I will be there whenever you need me." He said and disappeared.

"They seem to adore you a lot." Sev said. Though he was smiling, I could feel a tinge of jealousy that they had a mental connection with me.

I shrugged.


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