Chapter 30

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Tom's POV
After silently casting a sleeping charm on Harry, I looked at the others. They were gaping at me.

"What?!" I asked. I didn't like the look they had on their face. Sure, I turned evil, I did massacre a lot, but I am, at the present, still a human who understands emotions just fine.

"How did you know how to calm him down? His magic was lashing out?" Severus asked.

"We are his soulmates Severus. His magic will never hurt us intentionally. Sirius and Remus are his parents. They won't be hurt either.
The only problem with his magical outburst is that it may destroy the room. His magic will cast a shield around us, but what about Ragnok? He would be hurt in the process.
About calming him down, I learned it from Abraxas Malfoy. He used to calm me down the same way when I had magical outbursts." I said.

"Why would Abraxas calm you down?" Sirius asked.

"I used to have a good amount of anger coming back to Hogwarts after the summer break. I used to get irritated very easily, which led to my magical outbursts.
Abraxas was a part of my Knights. He was the only one brave enough, other than Thaddeus Nott, who would initiate contact with me and seek my company." I said.

"Is that the reason you held a certain level of respect to the Malfoys?" Severus sked.

"Yes. And the Malfoys reminded me of Abraxas. They look almost similar to each other." I said.

Remus asked, " How did you know Harry's life was worse than yours?"

"Mortem showed Harry's life to me, from the moment I attacked him to the moment I cast a killing curse at him. He also showed the test to me. Dumbledore needed his weapons weaker than his opponent. Only then can he get the spotlight." I said.

"When will he wake?" Remus asked.

"In an hour. He needs the calm sleep to calm down from an anger that range." I said.

Remus took the documents from me and scanned through them. Then he gave one to me. "I think this is the best option we have. Grandson of Morfin Gaunt, who is the son of the son he had with a muggle. Though he might hate muggles, he still needed a child to carry the family name. No magical family would want to associate with Morfin and Marvolo Gaunt. You look like you are almost in your early twenties, so it is the best. You can still have the Lordships of Gaunt and Slytherin as Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt is dead as of today." Remus said, as he gave the document to me.

I went over the documents and realized that Remus was right. This one would not question my Lordships.

I gave the document to Ragnok and said, "I will be the grandson of Morfin Gaunt. As Remus said, it is the best option."

Ragnok nodded and then gave me the potion after he mixed some hair into it. It tasted as bad as it looked, but I knew I had to drink it.

After downing it, I waited for the pain. When I felt a stinging sensation, I looked at Ragnok in confusion.

"Since you already have the blood and magic of the Gaunts, it won't hurt that bad." Ragnok explained.

After the stinging sensation was gone, Ragnok put forward another document. The one for the name change and other information.

I wanted a better name. I didn't want to use the name of the muggle father of mine who didn't care an ounce about me.

I looked at Sirius and asked, "Can you suggest a few names?"

Sirius was stunned. He might not have expected me to ask him for names.

"I will not give names like the Black family." He said.

"It is fine. I just don't want to use the names of the men who wanted nothing to do with my mother and me." I said.

He nodded. "How about Moiz, Maverick, Marcel, and Magnus? I thought you would like some names with M since you used to prefer Marvolo instead of Tom."

I thought for a while. Moiz means to one who gives protection. Maverick means independent. Marcel means warrior or a relation to Planet Mars. Magnus means greatest. I do not wish to be great, but I wish to protect the people I want to.

I turned to Ragnok and said, "I wish to be known as Moiz Maverick Slytherin-Gaunt. The date of birth is 1st of November, 1959. I have been home schooled and have my OWLs and NEWTs scores. If you want, I can retake them at the ministry. Then, I shall enter the Wizengamot in a year."

Ragnok nodded. "Write down the details and drop three drops of blood on the document. We shall wait for Lady Magic to acknowledge your change of name."

I did as I was told and put three drops of blood on the document. After a few seconds, the dument glowed.

"Congratulations, Lord Slytherin-Gaunt. Lady Magic has accepted your new name. The previous name is no more. We can now proclaim Tom Marvolo Riddle-Gaunt dead. But for that, you have to take off your dark mark from your followers." Ragnok said.


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