Damian-Betrothal Part 4

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tws:kidnapping, forced relationships, you get it by this point

Y/n POV:

Damian quickly put me down as I observed the people surrounding me.

It was as I suspected, five men including Damian. Though I was not expecting to see them dressed up as the bats.

Timothy Drake as Red Robin.

Jason Todd as Red Hood.

Richard Grayson as Nightwing.

Bruce Wayne as the Batman.

And Damian.

The only male bat close to his description left is Robin. Strange how the tables have turned.


My voice seemed to have snapped them out of their stupor as Red Robin turned on his heels and quickly went up a set of stairs off to the side. I could faintly hear him say 'Nope.' as he ascended the stairs.

Nightwing let out a sigh as he turned to face me. "Right, so hi! I'm-"

"Nightwing. I'm aware."

He chuckled as he glanced between me and Damian. The Red Hood had moved to the side and started bandaging his cut arm, his helmet now set to the side with only a domino mask on his face. Meanwhile Batman still stood starring at me, his posture tense but not stiff. He was prepared to fight.

"Yes, right. So you're Y/n right? Damian here told us about your situation and we figured we could bring the two of you home where you'd be safe. I'm sure Mr. Wayne is very worried about his son!" Nightwing laughed nervously. I smirked realizing he was trying to conceal their identities still.

"Ah yes, you have to return Damian home. I'm sure he can make it upstairs himself." I spoke the words calmly, watching as he smiled at me as my words had not yet hit him.

"Wayne Manor is some distance away so-" His whole posture stiffened as he eyes widened. His mouth was slightly agape as he stuttered. "Wha- how?? We all have our masks on-!"

I rolled my eyes, being underestimated was always entertaining. "I'm not a fool. I was awake in the jet thing, I used Damians words and prior knowledge to put together your identity first. Then by listening to the tones you all used when regarding one anther it was easy to put the pieces together of who's voice was who's. Though I did not put together the bat part until I saw you all."

Nightwing and Damian just starred at me shocked. Damians was more concealed but it was still evident. Batman's body language even shifted slightly.

"Plus one of the first things Damian said when we met again was that he father was the one coming to save him. There was only one man in the vehicle old enough and Damian referred to him as father." I loosely gestured to Batman.

The smallest hint of a smirk over took Damians face.

"Damn, the kids brain could rivals replacements." Red Hoods-or Jason Todds seeing as he had removes his mask, turquoise eyes visible- spoke up from the side, his arm having been finished being stitched by and older gentleman.

Nightwing sigh, hanging his head before removing his domino mask. "Well lets have a more proper introduction then. I'm Dick Grayson." He held out his hand to me, I took it without hesitation and shook it firmly.

"Y/n Cain."

I glanced back at the older man off to the side. His posture was straight but not stiff. He held his head high and seemed to have a sassy attitude before when regarding Todd's injuries. His postures was similar to that of a soldier, though not average military or naval. Maybe secret service.

"You can stay here for now." Batman finally spoke. I looked back at him, he removed his cowl. Bruce Wayne was now glaring me down. "But you are to listen to the house rules."

I simply shrugged. "Isn't like I've got much of a choice is it? Can't go back to the league or else I'll be killed and deemed a traitor."

I looked over to Damian, who was intensely starring at me. He had been oddly quiet this whole time. It was just starting to hit me that the man in front of me is not my husband. I arched a brow and he seemed to come out of his stupor, coughing into his hand and looking away.

"Y/n, can I have a word? In private." Damian glanced over towards Mr. Wayne and Mr. Grayson before meeting my eyes again.

"Of course, lead the way Dami."

I could hear murmurs as he lead me away.

"He doesn't yell at them for calling him Dami??? How is that fair!"

Graysons voice echoed as Damian lead me up a stair case, and into the manor. The walls were tall and a dark wood, expensive looking vases and painting decorating the halls.

Damian lead me into a sitting room, it was extraordinarily clean and the furniture looked new, probably an often unused room. Damian took a glance back at me before sitting on the couch.

I sat near him, distance between us. His clothes were still the same as earlier, his hair slightly disheveled from the presumed scuffle of escaping. His black hair just barely falling over his green eyes.

"So what was it you wished to speak about?" I met his eyes, his posture was slightly loose, showing how he was relaxed but there was some sort of tension in him. Something was making him nervous.

"Our....marriage. And what is to come of it." Nervousness now clearly radiated off of him, no matter how much he tried to hide it I could read his body language like an open book.

I sighed, glancing away and fiddling with a piece of hair near my ear. "Well as far as I am aware, the ceremony is not reservable."

I was fiddling with my thumbs, avoiding eye contact as I waited for Damians response. His hands moved to mine, the callouses ruffled against the back of my hands as I looked up to met his gaze.

"Perhaps thats not the worst thing in the world...." His voice trailed off, he clearly was having a mental debate of what to do next as I could feel his gaze on my lips.

"Perhaps not...." I trailed off and decided to make the first move. I leaned forward and connected our lips in a brief kiss, invisible sparks flowing through both of us at the contact.

We pull away looking at each other, content with our new situation, even if unexpected and forced.

Maybe Damian wasn't a stranger after all.

The end.

1100 words
sry its kinda short and not the best end but im not the best at fluffiness and i didnt want angst angsty ending-
this au may come back in the future but i feel like 4 parts of a oneshot is enough for now

hope you enjoyed

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