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tws:mentions of death

Soulmates are a special thing in this world, everyone has one, some even two. Soulmates can find each other with their corresponding soulmarks. The marks appear on people when they turn 16, depicting something that depicts their soulmate. Appearing flowers, animals, objects, and sometimes even names. Though those are rare.
They change from an inky black to a golden when they see each other for the first time.

But when a persons soulmate dies, their soulmark turns from looking like a black tattoo to looking like a scar, fading to be faint and forever incomplete. Pain blossoms from the marked place, as they feel their destined loves being stripped from this world. As they will never be able to meet their soulmates, their other halves.

This was the case of Y/n.

Or so they thought....

Y/n POV:
It was almost two years ago now. It was a relatively normal day in Gotham, and I was taking an order from a girl who was only a few years older than me when searing pain ripped through my left forearm. Right where my soulmark laid. I had collapsed to the ground, lifting up sleeve to see what was causing the horrible pain.

And thats when I watched with blurry eyes as my mark scarred over, the robin with a gun behind it surrounded by a wheel becoming a fleshy pink instead of its usual black. I never understood the meaning of the three items my mark depicted, and I had given up on trying to figure it out now. There wasn't a point anymore. Who ever my destined love was is dead now.

Well I've gotten over it though. Mostly. I've accepted that I will never have a soulmate and that there is nothing I can do about it. Thats why I'm here right now, on my couch in my apartment sulking silently as I watch a movie about teenage monsters going to high school before they take a trip to their rendition of New York city, Boo York.

A while ago I had noticed that my soulmark scar had changed a bit. I had felt a similar sensation to when I first received my mark when I was sixteen, though this time it was definitely more pinful. Instead of being just scar tissue, it took a toxic green hue. Ot had honestly scared me when I noticed, as I have never heard of a soulmark turning green.

I had just gotten to the point where the moth girl and cat girl are singing at each other when I felt a weird feeling shoot through my forearm. The skin beneath the scar began to buzz, feeling as if my arm fell asleep while on steroids. The only thing that I could of to explain the cause of the feeling was my soulmate was near by. But thats impossible as my soulmark had scarred over years ago, and that they should be dead. But then again, its suppose to be impossible that my soulmark turned green yet it clearly was.

Jumping up and leaving the movie forgotten I ran to my doorway in only shorts and a hoodie, quickly slipping on my slides as I dashed out the door. Following my instincts and the strength of the buzzing I was lead up to the roof tops of my apartment building. The cold bit at my exposed skin as Gotham had its classic weather at full force. The autumn chill almost made me turn back and go inside but the wish of meeting my soulmate and getting answers overpowered it.

The roof tops of Gotham stretched for miles, only being broken apart by the roads and alleys that cut inbetween. The flashing lights of police cars were visible as was the sound of the sirens. My hair was ruffled in the breeze as I stood there, just watching. Observing my surroundings.

The skyline of the city was visible even at these late hours of the night, the light and air pollution making the dark city's sky grey even at night. Buildings built intricate geometric shapes that got cut up every few rooftops by water towers and power lines.

So distracted by the beauty of my home city I didn't notice the thud of a mans body landing on the roof near me or the approaching of said man until he made himself known with his voice.
"Whatsa pretty lady doing on a rooftop at this time of night?" The husky-robotic sound made me jump and turn around to face the speaker.

The person that stood before me was taller than the average Gothamnite, probably a bit taller than six foot, adorned with black pants, a crisp leather jacket that covered the edges of one of the famous bat-symbols. The speakers head was hidden by a red helmet that had white slits for eyes similar to the Batmans.

This was the infamous Red Hood.

Previous Crime Lord.

The newest partner of the Batman.

He suddenly flinched.
He gripped onto his right arm, staring at it.

Thats when the feeling registered.
A light tingling over my right arm, nothing painful but definitely noticeable. Thats when I saw it.
A shimmering gold shifting over the green that was once there, the robin and gun surrounded by the car tire seeming to glow with energy as the colors changed.

Looking back up I could see him keep looking back and forth between me and his arm, a now exposed golden (insert stuff to represent you) to the grey night.

"It-its you."

932 words, June 4th 2023
part 2?
i have a story in the works! though its still in the world building stage and i dont plan on releasing chapters until i have at least a few chapters written

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