Tim-Woof Woof Bish

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note:switches POV's a lot, Y/n doesnt know their identities, you and Tim have been dating for seven months, Y/n is the canine trainer at Gotham Zoo, youve worked there for three years, both of you are 17

Y/n POV:

"So you have family time today? That sounds fun." I grinned as I hear a groan from the other end of the phone call.

"More like torture. When ever the family gets together something bad has to happen." Tim sighed dramatically at the end of his sentence.

"Whats the worse that could happen? Some fans stop y'all for pictures? Oooo or maybe you're brothers will start a fight. That sounds entertaining heheh~" I chuckled a little at the thought of Tim's brothers getting into a wrestling match in public. I picked up my sandy green button up and start putting it on.

"Jeez don't get me started on the amount of fights Damian alone has gotten into the past week- that kids a little demon." I hear ruffling on the other side as I assume Tim gets dress. "So what are you up to today?"

"I've got work. I get to put on a little show too!" I'm excited and terrified for today, as it's my turn to go out in the pin and speak about the wolves I've worked with for so long. I've done it a few times now but it's still terrifying talking in front a big crowd. I grabbed my khaki shorts and pulled them on before adding my brown belt to a comfortable tightness.

"Oh by the way, do you know where you're being dragged off to for 'bonding time'? I wanna know just how much teasing I'm going to be able to do." I grinned at the thought of what embarrassing things Tim might be getting dragged to do.

"Ughhh." I hear a small bang on the other side as Tim groaned. I can basically see Tim groaning as he slams his head on his dresser. "Thats the worse part! I have no idea whats planned, just that Alfred chose it and only Bruce knows it."

I looked in my bathroom mirror as I styled my hair out of my face the best I can so it won't cause any trouble during the day. Looking back down at the counter I'm greeted with a photo of Tim who is crossed eye with strawberry ice cream on his nose. A picture from a date we had last month, as the picture for Tim's phone number.

"Aww TimTam stop getting so overworked by it~ If Alfred chose the activity then you'll be fineeeee." I dragged my last word in emphasis. Finishing touching up my appearance in the mirror, I grab my phone and walk back in my room and grabbed my bag and keys.

"Yea you have a good point. Alfred will show more mercy than Jason or Damian would...but he has a sassy side to him that's absolutely terrifying." I placed my phone on the nightstand as I put my socks and shoes on.

"Oh come on. Alfred sounds like an absolute dear, I still want to meet him one day." I smiled as Tim once again groaned. "Is that the only thing you do? Groan?" I grab my jacket as well.

The call went silent for a few minutes.

"No wonder you think that. You would get on great with Alfred."

"Of corse I would, I'm great. Sorry to end the call so soon but I have to get to work, see you later honey~" I spoke flirtatiously.

"Of course, be safe N/n. Love you."

"Love you more."

I ender the call before Tim could retort saying that he loved me more. Love. Such a strong word. But I'm being genuine when I tell him that. I know I'm young and 'young love doesn't last' but I can see a future with Tim, a life I would envy if I lost the chance of it. But I have to go to work now. I can't wait to see Tusk and Glacier, those two are so sweet. I'm excited to see Buff and Slush too but those too are so mischievous.

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