Batfam-Good bye

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It seems like a pretty normal Gotham night, smog clouded the sky, screams and gunshots could be heard in the distance, and Y/n stood on a roof top.

The only difference about tonight, they were out of costume.

Instead of parading around in their costumes doing vigilantly stuff, they sat on Wayne Enterprises, in a thin hoodie and jeans. The self inflicted scars that littered their arms had been freshly redone. The shiny crimson liquid had dried and started scabbing slightly.

The world wasn't fair to them. To be fair, they had many good things happen to them in their life, like the day they were adopted by Bruce Wayne.


Silent tears streamed down a young child's face, as they sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the Gotham Police Department. The child's father, Darryl Johnson, had beaten his wife and child for many years, but last night he took it to far. The woman, who was known Lori Johnson, was severely beaten after she slightly overcooked their dinner, and when the child tried to interfere, they received a nasty beating as well. The kid only being eight years old, was severely injured from the three hundred pound drug addict they called a father, laughing as he did so.

He had punched the small kid so hard that they had slammed their head into the oven door, shattering it, only leading to him becoming more pissed off. He gripped onto the womans arm tightly, throwing her to the ground aswell. Hit after hit, smashing into her skull, kick after kick, slowly cracking and breaking apart her ribs, until he grabbed onto her throat and started squeezing. Squeezing, and squeezing, the child could only watch in a daze as their mother was slowly killed infront of them.

It was after the life left her eyes and her chest stop moving that he finally released his grip from her purplely bruised neck. He sat there, huffing and puffing as if he was the one who just had his life be suffocated to an end. Slowly he turned to the child, starring, and realizing, that he just killed the only person who had stayed, and dealt with his bullshit. He stood with a grunt, and stumbled his way out of the kitchen and into the hallway.

The small child slowly crawled and quickly as they could to their mother, hoping that the woman was still alive, no matter how much she neglected them. She was their only anchor onto this sad life of theirs. Laying their head onto their mothers stomach, they let the tears they have been holding back during the whole event fall, as their world started to crumble.

Then they heard it.

A loud bang echoed throughout the house, fallowed by a large thump. A gun. That was a gun shot, something the small child easily was able to recognize from the sheer amount that they heard daily.

And thats how the police found the family. A neighbor had- surprisingly -called the cops about a noise complaint, and they walked in to find two dead bodies and a small child crying over what appeared to be their mother.

So thats how little Y/n ended up in the police station, alone as Commissioner Gorden filled out a file report on the incident. And thats how their soon to be adoptive father first met them, crying alone on a over sized chair.

After an hour or so of filling out paper work, Y/n was able to go home and meet their new family, which was much larger then they were used to, always being an only child after their mothers five miscarriage. Probably from the horrid beatings.

Having three older brothers and one younger brother was a big change, but was a welcomed one.

The eldest being Richard Grayson, a hyperactive man who was about 18 at the time, welcomed them with open arms. His constant need for physical touch showed that it was clearly his love language, and Y/n found it strange from the lack of affection they received growing up.

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