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tw:dark thoughts, suicidal thoughts, cursing
(this is a song based chapter, based on the song above)

-beep beep-
-beep beep-
-beep beep-

A click ran through my room as I turned my alarm on my phone off. Ah, the beautiful (note the sarcasm) sound of my morning alert to wake up and do something with my life other then laying on my mattress all day. Though that does sound tempting.

Getting up with a stretch, I cringe slightly at the collection of cracks and pops from all my joints. Slowly I climb out my bed, so I can start my day in a reasonable day.

Walking in the bathroom, I notice my disheveled appearance in the mirror, my hair in random strands and poking around crazily. Quickly snatching my toothbrush, I complete my morning routine before heading back to my room to get dressed.

Throwing on a f/c (favorite color) hoodie, some black leggings, and mitch match socks, I head out my room. Quickly walking down the hall, I sees Tims light on under his door.

Once I got to the kitchen, I saw that only Alfred was awake. He was at the stove frying eggs and bacon. I could smell the biscuits in the oven as they baked as well. Moving over to the coffee pot, I poor me an about average cup of the bean water and take a seat at the bar.

"Morning Master Y/n." Alfred says, not bothering to look away from his cooking as he sensed me there with his almost ninja like abilities.

"Morning Alfred, breakfast smells amazing." I sent him a quick smile as I go back to sipping my coffee. As Alfred continued to finish cooking, the rest of the family slowly trickled in. Tim came down first, bags dark as ever, and took a cup of coffee that consisted of about half of the pot.

Dick came down next, looking way to perky and awake for 6 am. Followed him came Bruce, stoic as ever, and Damian, all of which sitting at the dinning table. Finally Jason came down last looking tired as he slouched onto the bar stool next to me.
As Alfred finished preparing the meal, we all took our respective seats at the dining table. We started to eat in silence until Dick, being the ever so cheerful brother he is, interrupted the silence.

"So Tim, how are you doing with the Wayne Enterprise work Bruce gave you?" His warm smile leaking into his voice.

"Its coming fine so far, mostly just editing and adding some codes and attending online meetings." Tim spoke between sips of his life juice, I enjoy coffee to, but coffee is the only reason he's alive.

Conversation keep up after that for most a breakfast, mainly about Tim working on Wayne Enterprise and different tech stuff. Dick with his acrobatics, and working in Bludhaven. Jason commenting about how much lower drug deals are with his, um, ways. Along with Damian making snarky comments about how he could beat any of us and Bruce asking about the Young Justice team.

All of them are so, how do I put it?- Successful. And important. Smart, skilled, talented, and just. . . . .better. And here I am, the only one to have never been a Robin. My hearts full like a landfill. The only one who's hero name isn't known. The only one not to work with Batman. He always told me I should be happy I was never a Robin, that by starting on my own, I would start off better. Independence and all that. But this just causes bruises that'll never heal.

He always tried to shape me as the perfect child, well rounded in all subjects. But that all changed when Damian came. Being Bruces "blood child" made him the priority. Plus, he was exactly what Bruce attempted to make me. The perfect child. Skilled in all fields, an amazing sword fighter, and one of the strongest Robins yet.

Bats x Reader OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora