Tim-Coffee Breathe

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It was way to early to be up.
The bell chimed as I walked through my favorite coffee shops doors.
The quaint cafe was painted a muted forest green with dark wainscot on the inside. Wooden chairs and tables sat near the windows, cyan floral curtains framed the windows.

The instant that I was hit with the potent smell of coffee grinds and depressed millennial gave me a small burst of energy, the excitement to get my precious life drink giving me the energy to perk up slightly.

The cashier counter was made of the same material as the tables, with polished stone covering the top and displays of different pastries sat atop it next to the register. I took quick steps to the counter and placed my order to get my precious bean juice, my life line.

I stood off to the side and pulled out my phone to scroll through instagram as I waited for my valuable drink to be prepared. The bell chimed similarly as to when I entered. I glanced up in curiosity only to completely choke on my breathe.

Walking in was a gorgeous man, who had to have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen. His porcelain orbs shown with a hidden knowledge, protected behind the barriers he has set upon his mind. The colors could only be described as a bright aquamarine with the tinniest flakes of azure blue surrounding his pupils. Even with the dark bags that hug under his eyes they shinned a joy similar to what I got entering the coffee shop. His hair was shaggy locks of raven waves, falling a little long but non the less attractive. His slim figure was covered in a black shirt and a red jacket, dark blue jeans covering his lower half.

Our eyes meet and I could see an analytic gleam in his eyes. I could feel his eyes trace along my body tracing the edges as I did the same to him. His smile grew, crinkling the edges of his eyes ever so slight, and I could feel heat rush to my face as I'm sure my face grew a pink tinge to it.

Before I realized what I was doing I was only a few steps in front of him.
"Hi I'm Y/n." I held out my hand to him. He took it and gave a soft shake, I was able to feel a few callouses on his palms as the brushed against my softer skin. His smile held so much behind it yet it only drew me in more.
"Hey, I'm Tim." His smile grew
I couldn't help but notice the slight coffee smell that came when he spoke, and it was honestly enduring.

"So...wanna get some coffee?"

461 apiril 30th 2023
sorry its so short
my friend gave me the prompt of love at first sight and i really wanted to write about tim :)
and woah the first chapter already has 100+ reads and this book is well past the 300+ reads mark! thank you so much :D

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