Damian-Betrothal Part 2

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notes:its implied that y/n is female with the term wife/bride and mentioning having kids, but other wise like normal they take on a gender neutral gender
tws:kidnapping, forced relationships

Y/n POV:

I brushed my hand against the window. The sky was covered in dozens of stars. The lack of man made light in the mountains allowed the stars to shine bright. I was counting the stars out of boredom, being on two hundred eighty seven when I heard a shift of fabrics against each other.

Even though I heard the male groan, signaling that he was awake now, I still faced the open sky. I enjoyed the peacefulness before I heard a gruff voice speak.

"Who are you."

He basically growled out his question as the voice was closer than I predicted, making it clear that he had gotten out of the bed and approached silently.

I let out an audible sigh before responding. "Only nine years of not seeing each other and now you've completely forgotten me?" I turned around to meet his gaze.

His emerald eyes hadn't changed, still striking even with the shock in them. His body was built and subtly tensed, trying to show calmness while also being prepared to attack.

Meeting his eyes again I could see recognition flash through his eyes and his toned body relaxed ever so slightly, even though he was still on guard.

"Y/n?" His voice was less aggressive than before. I felt my expression soften at his tone, I always had a soft spot for Damian.

"Hi Damian, its been awhile." He let his guarded posture drop even more, but he was still prepared to defend himself. Mother was right, the familiarity of being around him again made him like less of a stranger than I predicted.

"I..why am I here?"

I sighed, I seem to be doing that a lot lately, before I fully faced him. "Are you aware of what a binding marriage is?"

His expression contorted slightly into confusion. He was always harder to read but after spending years around him it grew easier to me. "No, I am not. But the sound of it worries me."

Glancing back to the night sky, I placed my hand on the cold glass. "It worries me too. When we were young, our mothers agreed that once we were both eighteen that we were to be married. Willing or not. And that they would use the water of the Lazarus pit to bind us together forever. Any intimacy with anyone other than your binded mate leads to excruciating pain."

His eyes widened at my words, clearly unnerved by my explanation. I sighed, having already known about it I was less affected by the events soon to come.

After a few minutes of silence, Damian seemed to gather himself enough to form a verbal response. "Do...do you know why they are doing this to us?"

I made eye contact with him, trying not to show the nervousness I felt. "Your mother is obsessed with the idea of having the strongest heirs for your late grandfathers legacy. She is satisfied with you but she wants to ensure that you have a......satisfactory child. Her words, not mine."

He was the one to sigh this time, before looking out the barred window. "There has to be a way out of this room." His hands traced the window frame, he tapped the glass assessing its thickness.

"I've looked over the room almost a dozen times in the past few hours, found nothing. The glass in three inch thick and bullet proof, the bars would keep us in anyways. The walls are ebony backed by steal, the door much the same with currently no inside door knob. No vents large enough to get in. As far as I can see we're stuck here."

He sat back on the bed, running a hand through his hair. It was quite attractive but I needed to focus on the present problem.

The oh so familiar clicking sound of the doors lock rang throughout the room once again. Damian was quick to stand back up, I could feel my body tense as I waited to see who would enter. The familiar sound of heels clicking sounded throughout, accompanied by several quiet pairs of footsteps fallowing behind them.

I was quick to bow my head, submitting to the woman who could order my death in an instant. In my peripheral vision I could see Damian do the opposite, standing straight and staring his mother down.

"Hello my son." I could see her walk up to Damian, both standing strong and neither backing down.

"Mother." His voice was calm, but underlying anger was obviously present. "What is the meaning of this?" She took a few steps towards me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look her in the eyes.

"I thought you would appreciate a strong bride." She tilted my head side to side. "A strong yet obedient one at that." I cringed mentally, but was careful to keep my face uneffected. She dropped my face.

"Marriage is not something either of us are interested in." His voice held a finalized tone to it. Talia let out a calm hum before the walked to stand infront of Damian once again.

"What you do and do not want are not of high priority my son. It is what is best for League that matters most." She snapped her fingers and two assassins went to each of our sides, grabbing our arms and pining them behind us. Damian and I struggled against their holds but they had our arms pinned in a way that they could be snapped easily.

They began to push us in the direction Talia began to walk. Left, straight, straight, left, right, straight, right, left. That was the order of the way we went before being brought through an archway, it opened up to a large room light by an ominous green glow. Very few windows lined one wall, the mountains in full view. Before us was the Lazarus Pit, the liquid was swirling in intricate patterns as its liquid glowed.

The assassins forced us to kneel infront of the pool, dozens of other assassins lined the edges of the waters, watching us. Talia stood before us, a golden goblet in one hand and a dagger in the other.

"We have gathered together to watch as our heir is forever bethroled to his future partner, to keep one another alive and protect each other til death. They shall forever be binded together as their futures are intertwined for life." Her voice echoed throughout the room as she scooped pit water into the goblet.

She came to me before setting the goblet down in between us, yanking my hand into hers, slicing a line down my palm with it. I winced slightly as she squeezed my hand over the goblet, drops of my blood falling into it.

"Heredum nostrorum sanguis coeat, ut maiores nostri animas suas in unum confundant." She chanted as she walked over to Damian and cut his palm, dripping his blood in as well. (translation from google:"Let the blood of our heirs combine as our elders fuse their souls into one.")

"et eorum confusio robur ad nos omnes perducat. Coniunge ea nunc et in saecula!" She forced my mouth open as she forced me to drink the liquid, walking over to Damian and having to get an assassin to help her pry his mouth open. (translation from google:"And let their fusion bring strength to us all. Unite them now and for forever!")

My body began to burn as pain flood throughout my whole body, I began convulsing from the jolts of pain. It felt like fire was flowing through my veins, spreading as my blood seemingly boiled. My vision looked as if everything was a shade of green.

Slowly the pain and green in my vision subsided, leaving me panting on the ground. I was conscious enough to hear the sound of class shattering before darkness over took my vision and I gave into the exhaustion.

To be continued....
1363 words, September 16th 2023
soooo yea theres going to be a part three-
would yall prefer that next or a chapter on one of the other boys before that?

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