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notes:im imaging the reader as about 5'7-5'9 in this chapter, sry short peps but the talls dont get much recognition. and this isnt even that tall. also the reader isnt aware of damian being a wayne based of just seeing him, but has heard the name.
TW:light swearing(?)

The first day of school is always.....interesting. Especially as a transfer student, transferring in the middle of the year from a completely different city... life just really loves me, doesn't it?

My parents have enough money and my grades are high enough for me to be put into Gotham Academy. My mom hiving grown up here in Gotham, loving it even though it was quite a frightening city, was excited when my dad got a new job opportunity here in Gotham that he couldn't pass up, we moved to a nicely sized home in between the Wayne Botanical Garden and Robinson Park.

It has four bedrooms and a surprisingly large backyard for being in a city, but it was Mom's old home that she had just never sold, and instead had been renting it out the past few years for some extra cash. The previous residents had recently moved out a few months ago, making it the perfect place for us to move in.

My room was still pretty basic, but I had my core furniture in already and some LED strips at the top of my walls. And it was in this room, that I woke up to my annoying alarm blaring in my ear.





I groaned slightly in relief from the loud noise. I stretched all my limbs apart, tensing them, until I heard satisfying cracks come from all over my body, and relax with the feeling that followed. Looking over to my phone on my right I saw in bright numbers "5:00 am". Man I hate how earlier I get up for school, but the anxiety that comes from the thought of being late makes me get up at an unnecessarily early time for this school, since I have to be there at seven.

Leaving the comfort of my bed, I walked to my bathroom connected to my bedroom. After quickly using the toilet, I wash my hands and brush my teeth before leaving to finish getting ready. Gotham Academy had an unreasonably formal uniform that all students have to wear, so I just pulled it out. It consisted of a white button up shirt, a red tie, a navy jacket, and navy pants or a navy and grey plaid skirt. Since its still only October, I grab the skirt along with some black shorts and black thigh highs. If they have an issue with me being comfortable and covered, screw them. I also grabbed a navy jacket that had the school creat on it.

I went down stairs and greeted our dogs, as they jumped up on me begging for attention. Jackie, my moms dog, was a golden doodle, and as her fur stated had golden curly fur. Meanwhile my dog d/n (dogs name), was a cutie that I found myself. I poured some kibble into their two bowls and checked their water before scrolling on my phone for a few minutes.

I grab a piece of toast for a quick breakfast as I left the house at the ripe time of 6:25. Again I decided to be early rather than late as this was my first day I didn't want to get embarrassed from being late to class, especially since its the middle of the year. As I continued to walk on my way to the academy when I felt the buzz of my phone in my coat pocket. Quickly taking out my phone to that my mom had texted me.

"Hey sweetie I won't be home until around 7:30 so I can't pick you up from school. Sorry, love you!"

After reading the text I began typing out a response when I was slammed into and thrown to the ground on my back. Glancing towards what I bumped into with confusion my eyes bore into another pair. The irises were a deep forest green, mixed with a slightly emerald tinge surrounding his pupil.

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