Damian-Betrothal Part 3

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tws:kidnapping, forced relationships

Damian POV:

My vision faded from green and back into the normal colors, barely conscious as I heard glass breaking.

I was able to see Y/n, their eyes were slowly blinking before they finally shut fully. Concern filled me at their unconscious state, and I wriggled in my restraints.

Grunts of pain and the sound of bodies hitting the floor and foot steps running towards me brought my attention to the new people present. I saw Nightwing running towards me as the other annoyances and Father fought against mother and the assassins. Nightwing kneeled in front of me as soon as he got close enough.

"God little D, what'd they do to you?" Nightwing started undoing my restraints and helped me to my feet. I attempted to stand on my own but my legs gave out under me, causing Nightwing to grab me again. He tossed my arm over his shoulder, support my body weight.

"Tt. Mother was being herself again."

I glanced back at Y/n, they still weren't awake. Nightwings gaze met their body as well, the eyes of his domino mask widening slightly.

"We need to take them with us." I decided, turning back to Grayson. His brows scrunched in response but he nodded anyways before looking over back to the fight.

"Red! Come grab Damian." He called out to Red Robin, who was quick to knock out the last assassin he was dealing with before approaching me as Grayson handed me over. Nightwing moves over to my childhood.....friend. He removed their binds and picked them up bridal style, their head loding to the side.

"The batwing is outside, be quick." Fathers voice came behind. His suit had a few small cuts in it along with what appeared to be a stab wound in his left bicep but was otherwise fine.

Drake helped me hobble into the batwing, everyone else following us inside. Grayson gently placed Y/n into a seat, buckling them in as Todd shot at the last assassins behind us.

Father glanced at their unconscious form.
"Damian, explain."
His voice held the same harsh monotone tinge to it that it always did when he was in costume.

Y/n's unconscious form laid limp as I sat next to them, father started the Batwing. The vehicle rocking slightly as assassins slashed at us as we take off.

"They are as acquaintance mother forced me to be around growing up. Mother performed some sort of ritual tonight...." My voice trailed off as I felt a weight on my shoulder. Y/n's head laid there as I shifted slightly, strangely unbothered by the physical touch.

Red Robin raised a brow at me, to which I returned with a glare.

"Soooooo.....what do they have to do with that?" Nightwing sounded from the front passenger seat, glancing back at me, Drake and Todd.

"It was a soulbinding marriage ritual. Mother bound my own and Y/n's souls together." Silence filled the Batwing.

All the imbeciles and father seemed to be avoiding eye contact with me.

Until of course someone spoke up.

"So you're forever married now? Even Replacements relationship life is better."







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