Guild Wars and the End of an Era

531 24 11

7000 - Words

Took me 5 days to write and edit it all. I've cut almost a third of the content because I felt it would become too long.

Hope you guy's enjoy.


"Lucian, I've got the information you wanted!" Suzune walked cheerfully over to the couch in the living room, where Lucian was engrossed in watching a massive ongoing live event on TV. This event was a part of a new collaboration involving the Evans Corporation and was being broadcast worldwide across various Arcologies.

"Lucian, look, look." With a cheerful tone, Suzune approached him and obstructed his view with the tablet she held up in front of his face, successfully pulling his attention away from the TV.

"What is it?" Lucian asked, gently nudging her aside. She promptly settled next to him on the couch, making herself comfortable and ensuring she utilized every bit of available space. Suzune inched closer, ensuring that their bodies were as close together as possible on the couch.

"I've found the information you were looking for. The player you were searching for, I've found him," she said with a smile, her joy obviously visible through her simple smile and jumpy attitude.

"I see," Lucian replied, his hand in his chin, his gaze briefly clouding over for a second as he contemplated various thoughts before asking.

"Tell me the details," Lucian asked, this time wearing a beautiful smile that caused Suzune's cheeks to turn bright red. Something Suzune could never get used to was Lucian's radiant smile. The toothy grin he displayed always brightened her day and made her eagerly anticipate every moment in life.

"Yes," she said with the same enthusiasm, proceeding to explain the details of the player.

"Oh, so he's the guild leader of The Father. How interesting... And to think a holy guild would commit such a heinous act as stealing, I never imagined that," Lucian commented, the same grin on his face, but now with a fire of revenge burning in his eyes.

"That's not all," Suzune added as she took Lucian's hand and typed on the tablet, revealing an image of a 13-year-old child. The child appeared overweight and looked half-asleep, on the verge of tears.

"What, who is this kid?" Lucian inquired, taking the tablet from Suzune's hand and examining the image.

"Man, he's got a face that only a mother could love," Lucian remarked with a smirk, his lips twitching as he gazed at the young man's rather unattractive face.

"He is the GreatPope69," Suzune explained as she scrolled the screen on Lucian's hand, revealing all of the information about the boy, including his IP, real name, age, educational status, parents' names, nationality, and other pertinent details.

"Oh, so you're telling me it's been a 13-year-old kid trolling me all this time?" Lucian asked, his veins popping on his forehead. Normally, he wouldn't get so angry at a troll, being one himself, but learning that one of his most despised trolls was a mere 13-year-old child left him feeling even more frustrated and enraged.

The GreatPope69 had been a player who trolled Lucian incessantly, using various methods. In fact, he trolled many players, including all of Nine's Own Goal. Because of Touch Me's influence, no one dared to confront the player, given that he was the guild leader of The Father, one of the highest-ranking guilds. And now, it turned out that he was the one responsible for the theft of Lucian's item, and, to top it off, he was a 13-year-old kid. It was only natural for Lucian to be consumed by anger.

"What are you getting angry at?" Suzune laughed as she saw the twitching face of Lucian, who looked as if he'd just swallowed a bug. He'd recently turned 22, and it was understandable for him to become annoyed after being mocked by a kid more than a decade his junior.

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