Nuwa Mending The Heaven and Earth

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The rumor that a player had become a world enemy didn't take long to spread throughout the entirety of Yggdrasil, no longer confined to the world of Niflheim.

The entire Yggdrasil wiki was filled with questions, and 2 channel was buzzing with players discussing the matter. It had been six days, and the devs hadn't given a response to the situation. The only information available was that; many players had banded together to defeat the world enemy player, and in the end, they were able to kill it with the help of a powerful Samaritan demon player who had cast a super-tier spell.

On the seventh day after the world enemy player's defeat, the devs finally replied to the Yggdrasil page. They posted a reply on the forum where they apologized for everything that had happened and explained that the chaos had been caused by a player who used a world item. This revelation stirred up the players even more, increasing their determination to find world items.

If one player could find a world item and turn into a world enemy, then there was a chance that others could do the same. Players began searching for clues and locations related to other sins, hoping to unlock another path to becoming a world enemy by using cardinal sins and sacrificing them in places related to sin.

Additionally, it was revealed that the player who had become the world enemy was the former world champion of Muspellsheim. The fact that the Muspellsheim champion had disappeared from the servers had become widely known among players. In response, an announcement was made that a new world tournament would take place in Muspellsheim to determine the successor to the defeated champion. This news added even more excitement and anticipation to the Yggdrasil community as players eagerly awaited the upcoming tournament.

[Apocrypha099: Are they really holding another tournament? Does this mean we won't have the world champion tournament where all the world champions would battle until the most powerful one is decided?]

[Kkekekek188: The player was definitely banned for life from ever playing Yggdrasil. I kind of feel bad, though, that he got banned for using the world item that was supposed to break the game. He got banned for that.]

[Smurfcat77: Nah, he deserved it. Why would you do something so stupid as to announce your presence to the world? If I got that class, I would keep it hidden until I encountered more world enemies and probably solo some dungeons to get massive rewards for my guild.]

[SocialCredit-999: Are you stupid? The devs would obviously find out sooner or later. It's dumb.]

[ShadyKnight_X: Honestly, this world enemy player thing is a total game-changer. Makes me wonder what other epic secrets Yggdrasil's got stashed away.]

[DarkNinjacian511: Totally agree, bro. Who knows, there could be more of those hidden world items just waiting for some lucky player to stumble upon.]

[MasterGunner09: Yeah, it's a risky game. I mean, look at what went down with that Muspellsheim champ. You've gotta tread carefully, no doubt.]

[Gigabyte_453: It's like the ultimate thrill, right? Imagine the power!]

[StraightQueen_GamerGrill: I'm all about playing it safe. Yggdrasil's meant to be fun, not a ban fest. Let's keep it enjoyable without going overboard.]

[Return_to_monke: Agreed, but I can't help but be curious about those world items. Imagine the possibilities!]

[Waifu_for_laifu22: As tempting as it is, I don't think I'd want to turn into a world enemy. I'd rather explore the game with my friends and build a legendary guild.]

[PlayerXploder: Each to their own, I guess. Yggdrasil always has something new up its sleeve, and I'm here for the adventure.]

Some players were discussing the possibilities and what they would do if they were in a similar situation, along with other topics that the discussion had sparked their curiosity about.

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