World Tournament - 4

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"[Second Aspect of the First Devil - Chaos World]"

The world tore apart as the landscape, once a volcanic mountain, transformed into a world seething with malevolent energy and a dark aura. The surroundings pulsated with dark forces, turning everything into a nightmarish spectacle. The sun itself turned red, casting a blood-hued light on the ground, which was no longer a solid surface but a swirling mass of demonic hands and chaotic energies.

Lucian stood at a considerable distance from his last opponent, a beautiful blue-haired young lady who happened to be a sylph. Her avatar possessed long, sky-blue hair and elf-like ears. She wore a dress with blue and white stripes that allowed for easy movement. In her right hand, she held an icy blue rapier. She proved to be the most formidable opponent he had ever faced, not just in this tournament, but in any DMMO-RPG ever. Her sword skills were beautiful, and he greatly admired her, I mean, her sword style.

"Are you naturally blessed with those reflexes, or have you trained hard to achieve them?" Lucian asked, tapping the center of both his gauntlets' red gems with his claws.

"[First Aspect of the First Devil - Shapeshift]"

The gem at the center of Lucian's gauntlets immediately glowed a bright red, summoning two swords into his hands. These red blades each had a gem at their centers. Lucian gripped the swords with both his clawed hands, which had now transformed into something resembling gloves.

"Ara, are you asking me that because you can't beat me?" His opponent, Erika, asked back, holding her rapier in her hand and pointing it towards Lucian.

"Nah, I just really like you," Lucian said as he waved both the swords around, and brilliant rays of red light shot forward. However, instead of hitting his opponent, they hit the red mountain Drakes that were trying to get inside the Chaos World of his. After all, he couldn't let himself be interrupted by some monsters and miss out on this moment.

"Is that a confession?" Erika asked, her long sylph ears twitching slightly, perhaps due to a mod she added.

"Maybe, maybe not. Your sword style is beautiful. I like that," Lucian replied, his tone playful yet genuinely appreciative. Flattery was not his style.

"Is that so? Unfortunately, I'll have to decline. I have a boyfriend," she said, looking a little confused. However, that didn't mean she let her guard down. She readied her rapier, preparing for a strike. She knew her opponent's stats were higher than hers, and she was already walking on a thin line. If she wasn't a healer, she would have been dead by now.

Erika cast "[Major Heal]" on herself, hoping to regain some health as she prepared to face her opponent, fully aware that it wouldn't be an easy battle.

"Let's begin," Lucian shouted, abandoning his [Phantom Step] in favor of a full-speed charge towards Erika. He closed the distance in an instant and swung both his swords simultaneously, fully aware of the outcome.

"You're quite the talkative one," Erika remarked as she swiftly dodged one of Lucian's swords and used her rapier to parry the other. In a swift follow-up, she thrust her rapier towards Lucian's face.

"[Ray Grace - Extra Sharp Edge]" Erika activated her skill, causing her icy blue rapier to glow even brighter. She thrust it with incredible speed, showcasing her impressive reflexes.

Lucian took the damage head-on as the rapier struck his mask, propelling him toward the edge of the mountain. However, Erika was well aware that her opponent wouldn't fall down, so she pursued him. Once again, she thrust her rapier, but this time, Lucian reacted swiftly, swinging both his swords while still in the air. Two blinding rays of red light intersected in a cross formation, shoot toward Erika.

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