Nines Own Goal

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[Group Chat - Nines Own Goal]

«Touch me»: Is he still not online?

«Nishikienrai»: Apparently not, even though I asked him to come before 3. He's taking his sweet time. I even checked Yggdrasil; he's not online there either.

«Takemikazuchi»: He's probably busy playing Aberage. Thanks to someone who ignited his passion for that game again.

«Nishikienrai»: Take-yan, that's not my fault. Aberage is a very fun game! Believe me!

«Amanomahitotsu»: Stop trying to reel us into your trap to play that DMMO-RPG.

«Nishikienrai»: What? I'm not reeling anyone.

«Touch me»: Stop it, guys. There's no use in arguing. LuciLuci is probably late because of some reasons. We can wait for a while before starting the discussion.

«Wish III»: May I say something?

«Touch me»: Wish-san, you don't have to be so polite every time.

«Nishikienrai»: Touch me is right, Wish. Be a little more open and talkative; you are a priest, you know! We need your help a lot, you know!

«Ancient one»: Hmmm... Hmmm hm...

«Nishikienrai»: Ahhhhh, Ancient-san, I know it might be uncomfortable for him, but he needs to come out of his shell. Look at Momonga!

«Momonga»: What did I do, Nishikienrai-san?

«Takemikazuchi»: You did nothing wrong, Momonga. You just became more open with us.

«Nishikienrai»: Exactly! Exactly! You became way more open. I mean, look at you now; you can talk with everyone, when before you were distrustful and acting like we would eat you.

«Momonga»: Nishikienrai-san, thank you.

«Nishikienrai»: There you go being polite again. Is Wish's virus also infecting you now?

«Ancient one»: Hmm... Hmm...

«Nishikienrai»: Fine, fine. That was a bad joke. I'm sorry.

«Wish III»: Uhm... But can I say something though?

«Nishikienrai»: Lol! Sorry, Wish! We totally forgot about you.

«Touch me»: Go ahead, Wish-san.

«Momonga»: I'm listening.

«Amanomahitotsu»: I'm all ears.

«Wish III»: Didn't Luci-san say that he will be late because he has his monthly Health Checkup scheduled today?

«Nishikienrai»: What!?

«Touch me»: I totally forgot!

«Momonga»: Oh no, I forgot. He just told me two days ago when we were talking about a gacha item.

«Amanomahitotsu»: I remember him mentioning something like that.

«Takemikazuchi»: Hey, he didn't tell me anything.

«Nishikienrai»: Perhaps he didn't tell you, Take-yan, because you don't listen to him? I mean, all you've been yapping about these days is going to that Meteor Sky Shrine Dungeon!

«Takemikazuchi»: That's because we need to do it! Exploring that dungeon, even if we don't have all the knowledge, should be okay! That's the spirit we should have—to face the unknown!

«Touch me»: Take-san, please, can we leave this topic aside? I thought we were talking about Luci's health a second ago?

«Ancient one»: Hmmm... Hmm... Hm hmm hm...

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