Wraths Dominion Hall

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Usually, when you think of wrath as one of the seven deadly sins, your first thought would be a demonic monster, utterly angry and malevolent, possessing extreme physical strength that could make any player shiver and run in fear. And you are absolutely right.

The deadly sin of wrath was precisely that—an extremely terrifying world enemy that could have forced players to employ creative strategies for a chance at defeating it.

However, that was not the case for Lucian. He single-handedly defeated the boss without the help of any other player. His tactic was simple: relentlessly bombard the boss with attacks until it had no strength left.

Wrath was a ferocious demon, his entire body charred black, with red cracks running across it. Every time he attacked, the entire boss room trembled.

Looking at the newly redesigned gate, which appeared as if it were inviting someone into a hellscape, reminded Lucian of the first time he defeated the Boss Wrath. The Dominion Hall of Wrath was a very unique boss room, much like the Chamber of Obsession of Lust. It possessed its own unique characteristics.

To enter the true base, one had to first pass through the 100 Cardinal Evil Sins of Wrath that were placed outside the Dominion Hall, at the Gate of Wrath. This was like a long hallway of darkness leading up to a gate that resembled a gaping mouth of a horned skeleton. The gate was enormous and personally designed by Lucian to appear as menacing as possible. Red lava flowed from the eyes of the demon at the top of the gate, adding to its fearsome look. However, this wasn't even the most horrific design that Lucian had implemented.

Lucian glanced at the sides of the hallway. There were pictures etched in the utter darkness on each side, each depicting the image of a menacing demon in hieroglyphs. They appeared very fearsome, with 50 on each side. These images were what would eventually transform into the Cardinal Evil Sins of Wrath. However, for clever players, they could be disabled since they essentially acted as temporary summons for the boss room. One could simply attack all the pictures to prevent any Cardinal Evils from appearing.

Lucian gazed at the gate and retrieved an item resembling a red crystal, within which a heart pulsed with life. The heart looked as if it could break free from the crystal at any moment.

"In a hellish landscape, what one wouldn't expect is something out of place, and cute," Lucian muttered with a smile.

He shattered the red crystal, and a notification appeared as the remnants of the item faded away.

[Available Custom NPC storage: 300 Levels]

[Currently NPC Creations Pending]

• Cthulinae: Levels Allocated - 23

• Centiparade: Levels Allocated - 43

"Ah, I really need to complete my previous projects in the Citadel of Sin... Otherwise, the entire lore would become lifeless," Lucian mused to himself, recalling a few NPC projects he had left unfinished, intending to return to them later.

Setting that thought aside, Lucian turned his attention to the last option in the NPC Creation menu.

[NPC Races Available: «Humanoid» - |Manava, Jin Albashara: Earth, Rainbow Eyes, Dark Elf, High Human| ]

Lucian examined the options, pondering which one would be the better choice. He had gathered the necessary Data Crystals to create the NPC he envisioned as the Guardian of the Gate of Wrath. However, he hesitated when it came to selecting the race, as his NPC's focus was heavily on job classes, making a Heteromorphic race impractical. Nonetheless, appearance customization was possible. Today, Lucian decided to take a unique approach and opted for the race of a normal human.

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