Mei Mei

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"These rocks remind me of cookies," Lucian remarked as he leaped from one large, flat rock to another, paying little attention to the searing lava below.

"Master, are you unintentionally implying that these rocks look more appetizing to you than the cookies I bake for you?" Mei mei, following closely behind Lucian, asked.

Lucian glanced back at her and exclaimed, "How do you even jump to that conclusion!? That's absurd!" He raised his voice in disbelief.

"What do you mean it's absurd?" Mei mei tilted her head slightly, her hair cascading down her shoulder, but her avatar maintained a stoic expression with a floating questioning emoji beside her face.

Mei Mei's avatar had a unique appearance. She possessed a beautiful face, long flowing black hair that cascaded down her back, and was adorned in a Victorian-style maid uniform. Despite its appearance, it was a divine-class gear, modified slightly for ease of movement, although it didn't matter much because Mei Mei seemed to glide effortlessly everywhere she went.

However, Mei Mei's most distinctive and unsettling feature was her eyes. She had applied a texture and effect to them, an expense she had covered herself. Her eyes appeared to be swirling with darkness, as though an entire abyss resided within them. Whenever Lucian gazed into her eyes, he felt a hypnotic pull that left him somewhat unsettled. It didn't help that one of her character classes specialized in hypnosis.

"Mei Mei, please stop with those strange stares. That eye effect makes me feel nauseous," Lucian complained as he averted his gaze from his playful maid. It was clear she was intentionally trying to tease him.

"Master, according to VR protocols outlined in section 5, 7.6.2, it is crucial to clarify the inherent limitations surrounding the simulation of motion sickness and nausea within the virtual environment. These provisions explain that it's not feasible to replicate these physiological sensations to a degree that would impact users' physical well-being," Mei Mei explained rapidly, looking at Lucian before continuing. "In simpler terms, it's impossible to feel sick in virtual reality unless it's caused physically."

Lucian sighed, realizing he couldn't argue with Mei Mei's thorough knowledge. "Alright, fine, let's move on. Once you level up the class, we'll head to Alfheim," he agreed, groaning slightly as he continued jumping from one floating rock to another on the river of lava.

"As you wish, master," Mei Mei replied obediently as she continued to follow him.

Their journey continued for another 20 minutes, encountering no monsters along the way thanks to Lucian's skill, [Order Reprieve], which deterred monsters from approaching them.

Eventually, they arrived at a vast expanse with sturdy rocks and an undulating surface situated in the center of the lava river. They were in a dungeon, specifically a cave dungeon, and it was larger than Lucian had initially thought.

Lucian originally wanted to explore a labyrinth dungeon, but because he needed Mei Mei to level up, he chose one that he learned about from the Yggdrasil wiki. This particular dungeon was known for providing high experience points upon defeating its boss.

The moment Lucian's feet touched the ground, a notification appeared, followed by a sound that resembled a draconic roar, even though it wasn't quite draconic. Lucian peered beneath him to see the entire ground moving and shaking.

"Mei Mei, jump back to the platforms," Lucian commanded as two wings tore through his lightweight armor, similar to his old Armour but now tailored for enhanced magical aspects and defense.

Mei Mei promptly obeyed his orders and leaped back to the previous rocky platform.

Lucian jumped back and floated in the sky, observing the dungeon's boss monster. The massive ground shook, and the rocky and sandy parts collapsed into the lava, revealing a monstrous, gigantic tortoise with magma flowing from numerous orifices in its body. Its eyes were filled with magma tears, and it appeared more pitiful than frightening.

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