Castle of Valhalla and Personal NPC

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In the cold and icy skies of Niflheim, a castle, or perhaps we should call it a base, floated at the highest altitude. It remained hidden from all players, protected by multiple layers of natural obstacles, traps, and illusions, as well as an additional layer of rings encapsulating it.

The shining crystalline castle of Valhalla, connected to the four bases, radiated its usual brilliance. Two crystalline gates led into the castle, illuminating its bright and enchantingly beautiful interior. Two massive rings surrounded it, rotating with a subtle purple glow, while an amethyst star gently gleamed at the center of the topmost part of the base, providing it with an unnecessary yet usable energy source.

To enter the castle of Valhalla, one could only do so by destroying the other four bases, as you probably already know. A lengthy road-like structure was attached to the castle gates, connecting it with the circular platform. This served as the primary entrance for guild members. However, given that the guild consisted of only three members, each had items that allowed them to move freely and instantaneously throughout the base, making the long road obsolete for their purposes.

The Castle of Valhalla was an exceedingly vast base with numerous rooms and areas. It even contained a space that resembled a biome, though Lucian referred to it as a garden due to its exquisite beauty and small size. This garden was none other than the former battleground of Valhalla itself, where Lucian had once fought and defeated the boss Odin's first avatar. What was once a place filled with swords and the blood of fallen warriors and Valkyries had transformed into a breathtaking garden adorned with a sword grave. Here, the weapons and arms of the deceased warriors and Valkyries were arranged in a beautiful display, complemented by new swords meticulously designed and customized by Lucian himself. These weapons were not just for show; they were all functional, varying in power from top-class to legendary, and a select few even being Divine-Class.

This location also served as the repository for one of Lucian's [Owned] World Items. These unique World Items were different from ordinary World Items that could be used by anyone lucky enough to acquire them; [Owned] World Items were bound exclusively to the first person who discovered them or met highly specific conditions.

These weapons and items were bound to Lucian, allowing him to summon and utilize them at will, with exclusive access denied to anyone else. Therefore, it was only natural that he chose Valhalla as the perfect home for such a World-class weapon.

Lucian had also personally designed a lake for this place, situated adjacent to the sword grave. Overseeing the entirety of Valhalla was an NPC named; Artoria Pendragon Alter, a beautiful woman with white-blonde hair, clad in jet-black full-body armor. Her eyes mirrored the color of her hair, and when not donning her divine-class gear, she often wore a gothic dress that afforded her mobility, which was a legendary-class piece of equipment in its own right.

 Her eyes mirrored the color of her hair, and when not donning her divine-class gear, she often wore a gothic dress that afforded her mobility, which was a legendary-class piece of equipment in its own right

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