Sylvan Light Forest

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The guild of Vice Requiem was divided into 5 main parts.... But each of them was a challenge on their own... Just like how you need to put everything in a puzzle together first, to get the picture of the real thing. That's how Vice Requiem's guild base worked. But on their own, they can be considered their own challenges.

The base as a whole is named [Luxuria], named after the now 'dead' deadly sin of lust. It was not the name Suzune and Mei Mei wanted, but was Lucian really going to let his choice go? Obviously not.

Putting that aside, the first base.

The Lust's Abode. Lust's Abode was not a dungeon or anything similar but a boss room. So Lust's Abode had very few things available for customization, except the Cardinal Evil Sins of Lust. There were 700 Cardinal Evil Sins available for Lucian to use however he pleases. These Cardinal Sins were slightly customizable. They defended the base with all their might, and they could even combine to become the Arch Evil Sin. Due to Lucian spending a lot of data crystals, he has increased the Arch Evils to 4.

So basically, if a group of players enters Lust's Abode, they'll first have to go through the stairs, which have many traps. After they manage to pass through that, they will be greeted by a chamber transformed into a hall as huge as possible. As soon as someone enters it, they'll be bombarded by attacks from Cardinal Sins. If they are able to defeat more than 100, the Sins will become the Arch Evils, boss-level entities that will make the players tremble in fear.

All of the Cardinal Evils were named by Lucian. They were originally Mercenary NPCs, but after Lucian sacrificed them, they became a part of Lust's Abode. With Lucian as their owner, they were essentially like custom NPCs and displayed unwavering loyalty. Unlike the dungeons that had a method to change ownership, these boss rooms didn't, and they would not let anyone take ownership of the base.

Initially, Lucian wanted to place some Custom NPCs in Lust's Abode, but the 700 Cardinal Evils were already a significant threat. The chamber, which served as the first line of defense for players, wasn't ideal for customization due to its nature as a world enemy boss room. However, now that Lucian was the master, he had some capacity to make changes, although not entirely. He made some alterations, such as turning the staircase into a spiral design and extending it to over 3000 stairs instead of the original 350. Now, players would encounter 10 Evil Sins every 300 floors, gradually depleting their HP and supplies.

And if they managed to survive, they would encounter the four Arch Evils of Lust, each of which would pose a boss-level challenge on its own.

Moving on to the second one...

The Sylvan Light Forest of Freya was probably the base that shone the brightest. Due to each base being connected through a backdoor to the same dimensional space, it was challenging to describe where these bases existed in the same dimension but separated by an infinite amount of space. At least that's how Suzune explained it.

Lucian currently was in a lush forest, with greenery all around him. Before him stood a massive green tree, its trunk swirling in a circle as it reached the sky, adorned with beautiful green leaves that covered the entire area. It cast shadows around the sanctuary, seemingly touching the sky.

The tree was named Sylvan and was considered sacred in the Sylvan forest. It was said to have originated from the seeds of Yggdrasil, although it wasn't exactly a world item. It possessed healing and debuffing properties, making it unique among Lucian's collection of items. Lucian stood there in his usual noble attire, his silver hair flowing in the wind, as green petals gently scattered from his hair.

"The Sylvan sanctuary has no statue of Freya, despite it being a sanctuary for Freya...," Lucian muttered to himself as he browsed through his inventory. He had actually won a very rare gacha item for this place specifically. This place was a sanctuary.

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