Boss Fight and Unique Class

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A hissing sound emerged as the rock beneath the [Ashen Platinum Salamander] melted. The grey salamander opened its reptilian eyes to fixate on the new player.

Lucian waited for a moment, allowing aggro to take effect, before he could begin dealing with the monster.

The [Ashen Platinum Salamander] swiftly leaped from the melting rock, landing right before Lucian. Its reptilian eyes gleamed with an eerie intensity as it parted its mouth, revealing long, menacing fangs. A radiant glow began to gather within its jaw, forming a pulsating ball of energy that culminated in a fearsome breath attack aimed squarely at Lucian.

The fire breath shot straight towards Lucian; however, he immediately vanished. He had already used his hotkeys to cast Teleportation, combined with Delay Magic and Silent Cast, allowing him to disappear at the first sign of the monster's attack.

Lucian reappeared behind the salamander. The AI used for the story quest bosses was easily tricked, and it would take the monster a few seconds to detect him because he had used the [Cloak of Unknowable] to conceal himself.

Lucian immediately used his hotkeys to cast a series of Tier 5 spells in quick succession:

[Dragon Lightning]

[Freeze Burst]

[Catacomb Capture]

[Stone Drill]

[Fall Down]

[Adamantine Spike]

Lucian used the console to aim the spell directly at the back of the salamander.

A lightning bolt in the shape of a dragon struck the creature, dealing a significant blow to its HP.

[–15 Damage!]

As soon as the attack hit, the [Ashen Platinum Salamander] swiftly moved toward Lucian, sensing the direction from which the attack had came.

However, Lucian had already teleported once again, repositioning himself behind the salamander and aiming another spell toward it.

The ground suddenly burst open, revealing multiple sand-made hands that clutched the boss monster, immobilizing the Salamander within the earth.

As it struggled to break free, Lucian aimed another spell at the trapped creature.

Out of nowhere, a freezing burst of wind struck the struggling Salamander

[–20 Damage!]

The freezing spell dealt more damage when the opponent was immobilized.

Lucian then immediately aimed the other spell that he had cast on his hotkey toward the still-trapped Salamander. A small stone materialized and began spinning, supercharging itself before launching toward the boss monster, dealing a heavy blow.

[–15 Damage!]

Lucian's eyes sparkled with fun and amusement as he continued to toy with the boss monster. If he wanted to, Lucian could have easily used one of his Tier-10 scrolls or summoned some mercenary NPCs to deal with the boss monster. However, he refused to deny himself the pleasure of enjoying such a magnificent game.

The [Ashen Platinum Salamander] finally broke free from the immobilizing spell and made its way toward Lucian, who had removed the Cloak of Unknowable. However, this time, Lucian didn't move. Instead, he stood there, waiting for the monster to come to where he wanted it.

"Good," just as the monster was within 5 meters of Lucian, he opened his mouth...

"Now, [Fall Down]," as he said this, a magic circle appeared beneath the salamander, causing it to immediately topple onto its belly. However, before it could even attempt to rise...

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