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In the Eldertree Demonic Forest of Helheim, an unusual atmosphere pervaded the area. Several players stood amidst the dark forest, surrounded by wriggling black obsidian trees, eagerly awaiting the arrival of someone.

The Eldertree Demonic Forest was one of the largest forests in Helheim, situated at its outermost edge, known as one of the most dangerous areas. Yet, these players stood there as if they had no concerns or worries.

Suddenly, a new player materialized with swift data-driven motions, conjuring his avatar into existence—a goat demon adorned in a velvet cape and suit.

"I'm back, baby!" shouted the demonic goat player as he scanned his surroundings and spotted his waiting friends. "Kekekeke... Quite a surprise to see Peroroncino here. I didn't realize you were so eager to take the plunge," followed by a maddening laugh and a snarky remark. The one who made this comment was Ulbert Alain Odle, known as the great demon of disaster.

"Ulbert, you bastard!" The birdman with the golden mask, and his usual golden gear, appeared beside the demonic goat. He grabbed his friend's head and playfully ground it with his hand. "What the hell took you so long? I thought LuciLuci said we'd all meet at 10 in the morning. It's 20 minutes past that, you bastard!"

"Ai ai ai ai, you can't do that, Peroroncino. Wait, listen to me. I was late because I had to submit my reports to my company," Ulbert said as he pushed the angry birdman aside.

"Even on weekdays? Stop lying to me, you crazy demon spawn!" Peroroncino persisted, forcefully pushing Ulbert back against the tree, leaving him no space to evade his answer.

"I'm not lying. My company is going through some changes, so I had to work on weekdays. But I managed to complete my work by staying up all night so I could play the game," Ulbert explained with a tired sigh, shaking his head.

"Oh, well, sorry about that, buddy," Peroroncino apologized after hearing Ulbert's explanation and the sincerity in his tone.

"It's fine, dude. I'm used to pulling all-nighters and playing games all day after that. Hahahahaha," Ulbert said, followed by a hysteric laugh. However, the laughter sounded hollow for some reason.

"Now, where is my arch-rival? Where is Lucian?" Ulbert asked as he looked around, but all he could find was a woman who appeared to be made of pink slime. She was sitting near a rock bed, wearing loose garments that were actually Legendary Class gear, with her slimy body constantly shifting and dripping onto the ground.

"Are... Where is Lucian?" Ulbert asked, still searching for his best friend.

"He's not here yet. I don't know why, but he's late," Peroroncino replied, expressing his concern," again..."

"Oh, he's always late. Alright, come with me," Ulbert said, grabbing Peroroncino's hand and leading him towards one of the dark obsidian trees with wriggling tentacle-like roots.

"What's going on with her?" Ulbert whispered, discreetly pointing at the sitting Bukubukuchagama.

"I don't know, she's been like that since morning. Probably some women's issue," Peroroncino replied, not bothering to lower his voice, earning a glare from Bukubukuchagama.

"Will you shut your mouth, or I'll have to shove your erogames down your throat, little brother?" Bukubukuchagama's low voice sent shivers down both Peroroncino and Ulbert's spines. She rarely used this serious and deep tone, and it always unnerved them, as it indicated her extreme anger or seriousness.

"Sorry, aneki!" Peroroncino hastily bowed his head, his fear evident as he apologized. He couldn't bear the thought of his sister throwing his beloved H-games away because of this small instance.

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