Ten Times the Intimidation

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"Mr. Lucian," Lucian heard a voice from behind him as he gazed at the room. He turned to see an avatar of what appeared to be a man sitting in a seat.

Behind the man, there was a very familiar, vague brown-haired girl's avatar.

"I assume you're already aware that you've broken the game, creating scenarios that are very, very, very unlikely to happen," the man stated with authority in his voice.

"Yes. And?" Lucian replied nonchalantly.

"Are you aware that what you've done might possibly cause other players to be outraged at the game, potentially even impacting our reviews negatively?" asked the developer or whomever he was.

"Yes, but I didn't cheat. All I did was use the methods available to players, and the outcome I reached was only natural," Lucian argued as he took a seat, his gaze unwavering on the vague avatar of what appeared to be a middle-aged man, whose figure was also indistinct and very NPC-like.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Lucian, we will have to permanently ban you for cheating in the game."

"And who are you to do that?" Lucian inquired, a hidden smirk behind his avatar. His eyes then shifted to the brown-haired humanoid figure behind the man, noticing her shivering.

"I'm the head developer of Yggdrasil and one of the board members," the man introduced himself.

"My name is Kouki Amane," he added before getting up.

"I regret to inform you that I'll have to delete your account and permanently ban you from the game. Mr. Lucian, you've disrupted the entire system," said Kouki Amane.

"We'd also like to inquire about your purchase history, as we've noticed some rather suspicious activities,"

Come on, Kirin-kun, bring up this young man's purchase history for me," the man continued, prompting the woman behind him, Suzune, to retrieve Lucian's purchase history.

"Yes, sir," Suzune replied hesitantly. Her apprehension wasn't due to her boss, but rather because of the young man sitting in front of her. She feared him more than her superior, who remained unaware of Lucian's true identity. Despite using the company's data to uncover the player's name, they had only managed to find his first name. That's why the head developer was addressing him by his first name, as he was unaware of any additional information. Their attempts to access more data had been unsuccessful.

Immediately, a list appeared in front of the head developer, and he scrolled through the screen while listing some things out.

"17 Chests of High WCs worth 500,000 Yen.

7 Arcane Crown - Fire worth 76,000 yen.

50 Mana Dominators worth 3 Million Yen.

6 Resurrection Globe worth 750,000 yen.

34 Elixirs of Miracle worth 3 million Yen.

500 Flame Talismans: Type - Nova Evernine worth 3 Million Yen.

And 700 Cardinal Evil Sins - Lust," the developer completed recounting Lucian's most recent purchases.

"These are the most recent purchases, all made within 24 hours. Not to mention, you only stopped buying after reaching the limit of 3 million Yen, which is in place to prevent the game from breaking."

Lucian remained silent as he sat there, growing increasingly irritated by the head developer's behavior. The man was acting like an all-knowing, randomly appearing omnipotent being – in simpler terms, an ROB (Random Omnipotent Being). However, Lucian didn't like the feeling of being controlled or monitored, so he fixed his gaze on the head developer.

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