New World Item

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Standing in an empty sanctuary, Lucian could see the entire area from the platform he was standing on. His gaze stretched as far as the eye could see, and all that remained were broken statues of beings that had likely once ruled this place.

Lucian's attention was drawn to the rectangular screen at the center of his vision.

[Location - Temple of the Fallen Old One | Type - Ruins]

The shattered and scattered statues of cosmic horror-like entities surrounded him in this cemetery-like sanctuary.

Today, he was alone. Mei Mei had been occupied with grocery shopping and meeting her friend, so Lucian was going solo for now. He enjoyed playing with Mei Mei, but he also enjoyed these solo adventures.

Lucian found himself in this eerie and unsettling place because of a quest. He honestly didn't want to be here, primarily due to the presence of eldritch monsters, or [Nightmares], which had an uncanny ability to make even Lucian feel uneasy. Eldritch monsters weren't challenging in terms of combat; rather, they were unsettling because of their unpredictability and penchant for jump scares. Most of these monsters were around level 70, but their terrifying appearance gave them an advantage over average players who despised them.

Although Lucian was a fan of cosmic horror, he had a distinct dislike for these creatures. One of them had terrified him completely when he was new to the game.

"But I still have to eliminate those 300 [Cultists of the First Old]," Lucian muttered to himself as he surveyed his eerie surroundings. However, he couldn't spot any of these Cultists. Cultists were not traditional monsters but rather NPCs tied to this quest. Many players took on this quest to unlock specific spells that required its completion. The quest's description read as follows:


Kill 300 Cultists of the First Old -


The First Old One is attempting to awaken through an unknown artifact, and the Cultists are remnants of this dark ritual. Please visit the [Temple of the Fallen Old One] and eradicate all the Cultists attempting to resurrect the ancient entity.


- 20 Million Gold

- Increased reputation in the town of Gibrigamar

- Unlocks the [Light Devotee] Class

- Unlocks the [Fallen Vanquisher] Class

- Earns the Approval of Sothoth Cheyara Mahuga [Unlocks the Hidden MahaKaal Quest]

Lucian wanted to actually unlock the MahaKaal Quest, which is a prerequisite to unlock the class [Apostle of Shiva] a class that granted immense destructive might and was even more destructive than World Disaster class. This class was actually supposed to be hidden and was put in such way that it will be impossible for a normal player to stumble unless given instructions to, which Lucian was, by suzune.

"Let's kill the Cultists first," Lucian muttered to himself as he jumped into the fray, turning off his [Order Reprieve], and immediately started searching for one of the Cultists.

Soon, he found one Cultist. The Cultist looked humanoid but was covered in a cloak with their face hidden in endless darkness, with black tentacles sprouting out of their cloak.

"What's its level?" Lucian muttered to himself as he looked at the stats of the Cultist.

[Cultists of First Old]

Level - 95

HP - 95/95

MP - 85/85

Lucian was surprised to find that the Cultist was of a very high level, but it posed no threat to him. Yuki immediately brought out a scythe, a weapon he had requested as his World Champion Class weapon.

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