Chapter 21 - The Battle

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I walked to the door with my father ready to attack. "Are you ready?" He asked me. "More than ready." He opened the door and I was ready to fight.

When I turned to see the world my eyes widened. So did Kylo's. We slowly walked off the ship looking around. Everything was destroyed. "Everything. Everything we've worked for. Everything mom-" It was too hard for me to speak. I was in shock. Tears streamed down my face. If collapsed to my hands and knees, still on the ramp. Kylo was still in shock. He walked over to me and comforted me.

"I can't believe they did this!" I cried. "I hate them. I truly hate them."

"We will end the Resistance." He hugged me tightly and helped me up. "Can you walk?" I nodded.

We spent a few minutes looking around. The entire town including the palace was completely destroyed. The bodies of the ones who could escape were on top of the stone from buildings and fences.

I walked around the orphanage and gasped when I saw a child. She was covered in blood and bricks slightly covered her. "Anika." I gasped. There was no heartbeat. First my mothers work. Now Anika. WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! I thought to myself.

"You." I heard a voice from behind me but when I turned around no one was there. "Who are you?" I asked. "That is for you to find out."

"Where are you?" I pulled out my saber and ignited it. The pulse of the blade matched my heartbeat. "Follow my voice to find out." I turned the corner of the orphanage to see a man with a blue outline. It was bright and glowing. "Anakin Skywalker." I mumbled. "That is correct."

"Wait a minute, I'm a knight! How am I able to see you?"

"The light inside you."

"That's preposterous. I have no light in me."

"Are you sure?"


"You sound like your mother." I was shocked. "You knew her?"

"Well not exactly. She used to be a Jedi." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mother. A Jedi. Either way, she turned to the dark side. She joined my father and they were happy. At least till she became sick.

"Leia you need to come back to the light."

"Leia is dead." I said through my teeth. Leia was my real name. My father named my after my grandmother, but my knight name is Luna. When I was sent to the foster center I chose that name. I wasn't sure why but I was called to it.

"I don't think she is."

"Well she is so good day."

"Good day? What is this? The 1700s?" I rolled my eyes, put my lightsaber away, and began walking away. "Leia don't walk away from me!"

"To late!"

"Leia, stop!" He hollered. I turned around swiftly. "Geez would it kill you to not call me that?!"

"Um, I'm already dead."

"Right." I mentally face palmed. "Listen I am here to tell you that you are not alone. You are always welcome on the light side. I changed and I believe you can to. It's never to late." He then disappeared. "I think it is." I said looking down.

"Luna?! Luna?! Luna! Oh hey." I turned to see my father. "Are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"That's because I did."


"Dad, I'm scared." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. "It's ok. It's going to be ok. Let's contact Rey and Alina." I nodded as he pulled out his holopad. He placed it on the ground and a holographic image of Rey and Alina came up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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