Chapter 9 - Maia's gone Missing

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I woke up the next morning excited for training. For once. I changed into my normal training outfit and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I walked out of my room and knocked on Maia's door. She has to be awake. The clanging of last night was unbearable! I thought as I used The Force to open the door.

When I walked in my heart dropped. Maia was gone. She never leaves her room unless she is with me. She would have done it but she was too afraid. Kylo told her that she could only walk between my room and hers without him, or Hux. On special occasions a stormtrooper but that was unlikely.

I burst into Kylo's room who was in a black skin tight tank top, his tunic pants, and his knee high black boots. This was also his normal training outfit.

His head jerked up to see me panicking. He rushed over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders trying to calm me down. This was the only time I was ok with him touching me.

"Luna what's wrong? Why is your heart pounding?" He asked looking into both of my eyes. "Maia- is...gone." Is triggered to say from the quickened breaths. His eyes widened and he ran (literally) to his nightstand picking up his data pad.

I paced around the room as he looked at all the security cameras. "She's not here. Go alert General Hux." I nodded ran out.

As I ran down the hall stormtroopers stopped and looked at me. I found one and ran up to him. "Jay, where's General Hux?" Unlike Kylo, I gave the troopers names because I felt bad. I hated the fact that they took their authority so I gave them some. This is probably why they like me.

"He's in the control room. Why? Is everything alright?"

"Maia's missing."

"Oh shit!"

"Yeah. Can you come with me? If she's missing for the reason I think, I want you by my side." He nodded and attached his blaster to his thigh. He ran behind me dodging other officers and troopers in the halls.

When we made it to the control room I swung the door open causing it to create t a loud clang! Everyone turned to face me in horror. "Princess Luna! Is everything alright?" General Hux asked. I could tell by his voice he knew something. "Spill. Now."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He scoffed with a slight hint of fear. "I will not ask again. I suggest you tell me if you know what's good for you."

"The Resistance attacked us last night while you were asleep, ran and took Maia. I think they thought she was you." He quickly blurted out. My eyes widened at the response. "She's in great danger. Find every trance of the Resistance. No ships go in or out without my order or my fathers. I want the location of my friend as soon a possible." I sternly ordered.

General Hux bowed in respect and I walked out. My anger was fueling my body. But a part of me was terrified for Maia's sake.
Rey's POV:
I landed the falcon with Chewy and Poe. Luna was in the back questioning everything. I was confused because she has been through this before. Why was she confused?

"Alright. I will take Luna to my dorm and figure things out. Poe meet with the General and see further instructions." Poe nodded and walked out Chewy following.

I looked at Luna who was processing what just happened. "Come with me. We can process this together." Reluctantly, she stood up and followed me to my dorm.

"Why don't you sit on the couch, I can get you some water and bread." She sat down looking around the room. The walls were white with pictures of the Resistance and young Jedi. The couch was grey with soft fabric. On the ground was a carpet what was grey with a white diamond pattern.

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