Chapter 15 - Join Me

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I gulped. This conversation was not going to be fun.
I sat quietly as he paced around the room. "I knew I shouldn't have left you here!"

"Father I'm sorry I didn't know! Honestly!" I pleaded. He walked over to me and knelt down to my eye level. "It's not you I'm upset with. It's her." He said as he turned to face her. "Why are you here?" He asked standing up.

I could see Rey was trying to be brave. "We are here for Luna. To protect her."

"From what?" He raised his voice. "You!" They yelled in sync. "Me? What did I do?"

"You are dangerous." Rey said. I could tell she was having a hard time coming up with words. "I am steady know that give me another reason." Rey was stumped. He walked closer to her, looking down. I could tell she was fighting off blushing. "Poe leave. And don't think about telling Leia I was here. You are staying with me." He said. Poe ran out of the room.

He crouched down to the ground, balancing on the balls on his feet. "It's been what- a week since I last saw you?" He softly spoke. Rey tightened her grip around me. "I asked you to join me and you declined." He stood up straight. "I see you deeply care for my daughter. You act as if you are her mother." He held out his gloved hand. "Rey, join me and you can see her all the time. You are strong. Imagine what we can do together. You by my side. Ruling the galaxy. Finishing what my grandfather started."


"Rey. Please." I looked at them both. I saw the list in their eyes. Holy shit are they in love?! I thought to myself. "Ben you know I... well Leia... but my life is..."

"Take my hand. You know you want to." Rey took a deep breath. She slowly stood up and reached her hand out, gently placing it in his. A smile crept onto my face. I saw Kylo smile with lust. He used his thumb to caress her hand in circles. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this."

"Me to." Rey softly said. She then hugged him tightly and surprisingly he did the same.

I sat on my bed watching it all. No way that just happened. My mind was spinning. Kylo had his arm around her and they turned to me. "Ready to go?" He asked me. "Um yes, just give me one second. I want to introduce you to someone." I walked to the door and opened it, seeing Alina at the table still struggling with her math homework. "Alina! Come here!" I whisper yelled. She walked over to me and I brought her into the room, shutting the door behind me. "This is Alina. She is one of the kids here." Nervous, Alina waved to them. They smiled and waved back.

I brought her to my bed and sat down in front of her. "Alina. I have to go for a while. I don't know if I am going to come back. But I want you to have something." I took off my bracelet which had the First Order Symbol. Not the one my father put on, but one made of yarn that Kylo and I made together. "Your lucky bracelet! You want me to have it?"

"I do." I said as I tied it on her wrist. I hugged her tightly and I heard her starting to cry. "Please don't leave."

"She won't leave you. You are coming with us." We both looked at Kylo confused. Alina wiped tears from her eyes. "Alina, how would you like to be a part of the First Order. I can take care of you and so can Luna."

"Like a family?"

"Haha. Exactly like a family. What do you say!" He laughed. Alina looked at me. "Yes!" I hugged her tightly, then looked at my watch. "Oh we should get going!"

"What about our stuff?"

"Go pack your things quickly." She nodded and ran off. Kylo and Rey helped me pack my things and we met Alina outside her room. Rey took her bag and Kylo picked her up. "Welcome Alina."

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