Chapter 3 - The Finalizer

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Once the ship landed in the hangar, Kylo Ren exited carrying me in his arms. He had a Stormtrooper behind him, escorting Maia to my quarters.

As we all walked down, Maia's heart was pou-nding. Normally she was not afraid. She was always full of high spirits and energy. This however, was on a different level. Sure she had herd of the First Order, and sure she had herd they were dangerous. She just never thought she would be captured by the Kylo Ren. The legendary Kylo Ren as a matter of fact.

As we continued down the hall, she could hear Kylo Ren's and the troopers boots clanking on the black metal floor, echoing through the walls. We walked into a white room with black metal floors. There is a bed inside the wall across from the door with a window on either side. Inside the wall with the bed, their was a shelf with books and pictures. In the middle of the room lies a grey carpet with white diam-onds. A white desk with a silver monitor sat on the left hand side of the sliding door. Their were some toys placed in shelf's with care. Kylo  Ren set me on my bed, tucking me under the covers. He caressed my face before turning to Maia. "State your name."

"Maia." She stuttered.

"Maia, you can wait here till she wakes up. When she does, do not leave this room. I will come back in an hour." The trooper released the bindings and exited after Kylo Ren. Maia walked around the room finding family photos of Kylo Ren and a small girl with light brown curly hair. There were photos of him hugging her, kissing her, and loving her deeply. She looked so young in these photos. Probably about three or four years old. She turned her attention to the shining tiara that laid on the dresser on the wall on the left side of the room. She picked it up in awe, admiring the silver jewels that are ingrained into it. I started to regain consciousness. My bindings still on tightly. I did my best to sit up, my legs dangling of the side of the bed. I looked at Maia who was still admiring the tiara. "Nice tiara." Startled, Maia looked at you. I started to laugh. "I bet it belonged to the Princess." She said. I looked down. "I'm sure it did."

"I hope that one day I can meet her. It would be nice to have her as a friend. Not because she's a princess, but because her self defense must be awesome!" Maia said setting the tiara down. I am happy to be your friend too. I thought. Maia walked up to me and sat on the bed. "What do we tell our parents?"

"I don't know." Maia pulled out her phone.

"Maybe we can call them!"

"The cell service won't work out here."

"Where are we anyway?" Maia asked standing up. She walked to the window on my left, staring at the stars. "Some sort of ship if I could guess." But I didn't have to. I knew. I also knew I had to keep my identity a secret. I wasn't ready to tell people who I truly was.

Maia and I talked for a while. Soon I heard the door slide open. Wosh. Kylo Ren walked in, his body seems to be calm, but I'm not. His posture was tall and powerful. His shoulders were back and his chin was up. My face hardened, my fists clenched. "I see you've woke up. How was your nap?" He asked playfully. He was still wearing his mask. I gave him a mean smile before saying, "It would have been better if you had taken these off." I said holding my arms in front of me. I tilted my head to the side, glaring at him. "Right. I just couldn't have you running away. It was better to keep them on. I can remove them now."

He walked over to me and my heart started pounding. He could feel it. He lifted his hands to signal that he wouldn't hurt me, but I didn't buy it. Not for a second. I knew his ways. One minute he's loving and affectionate, then the next minute he's terrifying and wants to hurt everyone. My breath quickened as he grabbed hold of the bindings and unlocked them. He kept a tight hold of my right wrist, keeping me from moving. "What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Relax. This is a bracelet I had my scientists create. It can track you when I need to." He placed it on and pulled out a key, locking it in place. "Follow me. I am sure you are both hungry." Kylo Ren helped me off the bed by holing my left hand. He placed his right hand on my back escorting me out, Maia following.

He lead us to the dinning room and Maia and I sit. Kylo Ren removed his mask, placing it on the counter in the kitchen causing a dull clunck. He removed his gloves and placed them next to the helmet. In front of me was a plate of (your choice of meat), mashed potatoes, and (you choice of vegetables). Maia held my hand under the table and prayed.

We always do this before eating. When Maia started doing it with me the first time we ate at her house, I decided to join her. Kylo Ren sat next to me at the glass circle table. I remained silent with my head down. Kylo Ren looked at me concerned. "Are you alright?" His voice wae deep but calm. I stayed silent. "Luna?" Maia asked nudging you.

"I'm fine." I finally responded. Kylo Ren doesn't believe me for a second. I don't want to be here. I want to go home, be in my room, reading my book or at Maia's house playing a game. I thought to myself. "I know." Kylo Ren answered.

"Geez you it kill you to stay out of my head?" I snapped, looking at him dead in his eyes.

"It's impossible when I can tell your distressed."

"I'm fine." I hissed. His face hardened. My face remained glaring but I was afraid. I tried not to show it but he knew I afraid. He could feel my heart pounding, my  breath shaking. He could sense it all.

"Luna, you will stay I the room you woke up in. Maia, you will be in the room next to hers." He said as he continued to eat. This way I can see Luna and talk to her. He thought. He closed his mind so I was not able to read his thoughts.
Author's Note: A little tension between Luna and Kylo. I tried my best to make this one entertaining. Sorry if it was a little dull.

I will try to update as soon as possible. I am thinking maybe 1k to 2k words per chapter.

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