Chapter 16 - Attack

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I walked down the hall slowly and carefully. "Jay." I called. A stormtrooper stepped out of places and began following me.

When I entered the bridge I looked for Hux. "Genera Hux. Any news?"

"Not yet Princess. How is Ren with the situation?"

"He's surprisingly calm. It's scary."

"He's going to blow this place to pieces."

"I think he will be alright."

"How are you feeling?"

"An hour of meditation should bring me back to normal."

"Get some rest. I will cover everything from here."

"I can't let you do that. You work to much."

"Princess, it is my job to insure everything is up to speed. You my dear, are not. Get some rest on the infirmary."

"Fine you win." I sighed. He walked with me to the infirmary making sure I got there safely. I think a part of it was to make sure I actually went there because I think I speak for everyone when saying, there was no fucking way I was going there.

"Princess Luna needs her medicine for an hour and a half." General Hux stated. "I can speak myself."

"You would not have said that."

"What is it with you and dad always knowing these things?"

"We raised you."

"We raised you." I laughed as I mocked him. "Oh please I raised myself."

"After the age of ten. Who do you think raised you before that?"

"My mother?"


"God dammit." A nurse walked in and escorted me to a room. She put the medication into my arm and used another shot to knock me out.
Kylo's Pov:
I was left with Maia, Rey, and Alina. "Is she ok?" Alina asked. I walked over to her, placing my hands on her shoulders. "She will be ok. I'm a couple of hours she will be walking again." She turned to me frightened. "Alina what's wrong?" My hands were now on her arms. "Will the Resistance hurt us?"

"Oh Alina!" I softly said as I knelt on one knee. "You are safe here. I will not let anyone hurt you. Ever."

"Neither will I." Rey said as she walked up to us. I stood up and wrapped my arm around her, placing my hand on her waist. "The First Order will always protect you." I said. I turned to Maia who was contemplating her life. "Maia?" I asked her. I was still holding onto Rey. No response. "Maia..." Nothing. "Maia!" I hollered. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked at me. "I'm sorry."

"It's quite alright. You've been through a lot and seen a lot. I would like to talk to you about what I told your parents. Rey please take Alina to our room." Rey nodded and took Alina's hand. They walked out of the room. Maia and I sat at the table. She sat in Luna's seat and I sat in mine. Yes I have a seat. I just prefer not to use it.

I could tell she was nervous. "Maia, I spoke with your parents about what happened. I told them that you were wielding The Force and with lots of training, you would become stronger and be able to help defend the First Order. I told them that every once and a while I would send you back and pick you up when needed. The same would go for Luna, only I want her to stay with you and not at the horrible foster center. They agreed to do this as well as being fully devoted to the First Order."

"Hold on they agreed to this?"

"Yes. I also want to deeply apologize for my behavior towards you the last time you were here. I am very protective of my daughter."

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