Chapter 5 - Nightmare

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Author's Note: This is in Luna's point of view. I am not sure if I will be switching or not. It's not my favorite but I will do it when it makes sense.
I was in a science classroom. The lights were off making the room blue. Their was no door nor windows. At first their were a couple of kids. Then no one. I looked around the room seeing your typical science room. Black tables, stools, chemistry sets (If you have them) and so much more.

Then, I herd a noice. It was the sound of a lightsaber. I quickly turned to see it was Kylo Ren. A door appeared and I ran through it finding myself in the woods.

A boy with brown skin and short black hair was running in front of me. Soon he tripped over a log and fell. I turned around to see Kylo Ren didn't hurt him. He let him be and kept running towards me.

He wasn't chasing the class. It was me he wanted. It was me he wanted to kill.

I ran through the woods farther and farther. Soon I was surrounded by stormtroopers. They had their blasters ready to fire.

My breath quickened and I could feel my heart pounding. I could hear footsteps behind me.

Suddenly I was turned around and dropped to my knees. However no one touched me. Kylo Ren had used The Force on me.

He slowly approached me. His lightsaber crackling by his side. Once he was a few uncles in front of me he stared into my horrified eyes. I could feel the tears coming. He twirled his saber and held it over my head ready to kill me. The saber started coming down and it went—
I sat up quickly. Sweat and tears all over me. I slid up against the wall and curled myself into a protective ball. Tears continued to pour down my face. My heart was out of control along with my breathing.

Whssh. I heard the door open. I didn't dare look up to see who it was.

I shuttered when I felt a hand on my leg. "Shhhh it's ok. It was just a dream." I heard a deep cam voice whisper. I knew it was Kylo Ren. Ever since I was little, he always knew when I had a nightmare. He would always come in and help me calm down. That was, until I hated him of course. "You're ok." He cooed. My breath was still shaking. "Breathe baby."

I looked up into his eyes, then at the white wall in front of me. He sat on my bed in front of me and placed his hand gently on my back, rubbing it softly. "Do you want to tell me what happened? You don't have to." I closed my eyes for a moment. If I did tell him he would hold onto me more. I didn't want him to touch me. I wanted him to leave. However, if I lied I would be in a lot of trouble.

The one rule we have is no lying to each other. To others it's fine. For example, if I needed to hide a present from him and he was wondering where I went, I simply said, "I went to ask General Hux about something."

General Hux is one of my best friends on the First Order. When I was younger we would always play games like hide and seek or do puzzles. If Kylo Ren was busy he would help me with my school work and put me to bed. Though putting me to bed was twice a month.

Every month Kylo Ren goes to find Rey. Well not literally. He stays in the control room and watched the cameras and ships that pass. This only happens twice a month and he only trusts Hux with me. Sure they don't get along but he had no choice because I loved Hux. Plus Hux knew that if he did something wrong, Kylo would have his head mounted on a wall.

Anyway about the dream, I opened my eyes and chose the second option. "It was about how I lost Maia. I don't know how I could live without her." All of that was true. I needed Maia in my life. I would be lost without her. Both metaphorically and literally. She was my nap and guide to life. "Oh sweetheart." I flinched at the word. "I can tell you and her are amazing friends. I can also tell that you will not loose her. You two seem to be inseparable. Which is most likely why she ran with you and came here with you." He said, as he used his other hand to brush the curls out of my face.

Part of my felt relieved that he didn't catch the lie, but part of me hated the fact that I did and I don't know why. I mean I hate him. With passion.

"Do you think you can go to sleep now? I need you to maximum sleep before the meeting tomorrow." He said, as he placed his right hand on my chin. He leaned in to kiss my forehead. Please no. I though to myself. He smiled folded the covers over me, walking out and heading to his room if I could guess.

Author's Note: This is Kylo Ren's point of view!

That night I too had a night terror. I was walking around Luna's school trying to find her. She had run off some where and the troopers were going around interrogating people.

I walked down the path that my troopers had walked to find her. I came across a wooden bridge and to my horror, Luna was standing in front of Rey. Rey's face a hardened and evil. Luna was terrified. "Help! Help me please!" I heard her cry. I ran towards her but it was too late. Rey had stabbed her with her lightsaber.
I woke up in sweat. I tucked my knees, placed my hands on my head, and rested my elbows on my knees. Tears started to fall down my cheeks. "Just a dream. Just a dream." I whispered, trying to calm myself down.

I immediately got up and grabbed a lose black long sleeve shirt. I pulled it over my head and put on my boots. I had to check on her. Something also felt off. She was upset.

I walked into her room to see her crying. After dining out it was a nightmare, I tucked her back into bed. She needed a lot of sleep for the meeting the next morning. It concerned her fate and now Maia's since I had captured her as well.

I walked out of her room and into mine. I will say I was surprised to hear that she was so worried about loosing her friend, that she had a nightmare about it. Another part of me thinks she's lying. However she knows what will happen if I find out so I highly doubt she did.
Author's Note: Seems like we're getting a pattern here! Lol

I might upload another one tonight because I literally have nothing to do. I am working on another book that is not a fan fiction.

Question of the Chapter: Should I post the non fanfic on here?

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