Chapter 8 - Work

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When we got into the meeting room, we sat in the same place as before. My stomach turned and my heart pounded. If it was about what I thought (which I didn't want it to be) then I don't know what I would do.

Would she think I was a traitor? Would she break off our friendship? Will she hate me? Am I overthinking this?

"Relax Luna." Kylo Ren said. He had his mask on making his voice robotic and fearing. He took it off and placed it next to him gently. "We are here because I feel you both can add more to the First Order. Yes we can use you in battle. However, that may take a while. Your training is outstanding, but it will take a while to build up the agility needed. So, I have proposed that jobs were set in place. They agreed. Now I am here to assign jobs.

"Maia, what are you studying to become? Maybe the at can help us determine what job you can have. Truly anything would be a big help. I don't want you doing nothing especially if we can build our army and get things done faster."

"I want to do something in the med field." She responded. It's true. Maia has always wanted to do something to help people. She takes after her mother that way. "It's settled then. You can help the nurses and doctors in the med bay. Your shift will commence every day after lunch. Then at dinner you will come back my 'living area' where your room is, eat dinner, and do what ever. Luna, your job was already decided. You will be with me or you will help run the place." I slumped in my chair. Great. There really is no escaping this place. "Not ever." Kylo Ren said. I glared at him. "Careful." He whispered.

"Your jobs start tomorrow. Maia, you can go back to the quarters. I am having a meeting with Luna. Ok?" She nodded and exited the building. Ping! I pulled out my phone as others started to fill the room. It was a text message from Maia.

Girl what's going on?

I'll explain later. When I'm not near Ren.

Are you in trouble?

I hope not. If I am I don't k ow what I did!

Good luck!

Thanks! See you hopefully soon!


"I believe the meeting is ready to commence." Kylo Ren said standing up. "This meeting regards the message sent to us by the Resistance. General Bret, play the message." My heart sank. I watched as he pressed a button on his data pad.

"Kylo Ren, this is Rey from the Resistance. I am joined by Poe Dameron and Finn. We are messaging you regarding Luna. You took her from her home, and we are here to take her back. This can go easily or hard. Your choice. This means you can either send her home, or we will fight you, and win. Send a message as soon as possible."

"This message was sent to us earlier today." Kylo Ren said pacing the room. My breath quickened, my eyes widened, my heart was beating faster and faster. I could barely breathe. I was stunned in my chair. "Princess Luna, are you alright?" General Hux asked me. I quickly looked at him. "I- I" I could barely speak.

Kylo Ren stopped pacing and placed his hand on my shoulder, caressing it with his thumb. "I am not letting her go without a fight."

"I agree. We must seek preparations." Another councilman said. "What if- what if I want to go?" I asked looking at Kylo Ren. He glared at me. Welp I'm dead. "I will speak to you later." His voice was stern. I quickly looked straight in front of me. "Meeting adjured. Luna stay."

This is it. This is how I die. Welp it was nice knowing y'all! I stood up and backed against the wall. "Sit down now." I slowly make my way to my chair. When I grabbed onto it my hands shook. Once I sat down, I stayed to pick at my fingers. I looked up to see his right fingers on the bridge of his nose.

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