Chapter 2 - Captured

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It was Period E, second; the longest start of three hours ever. Since this period goes through study hall, I had an extra hour. Plus I had the last lunch wave. I walked into class with Maia talking about weekend plans. The ice skating rink she goes to for figure skating, just opened open skate for the season. She had a list of dates that she wanted to attend, and one of them was this weekend. We planned a whole weekend together with skating, sleepovers and much more.

I was so excited, that was until I walked into the class. "Quiz day!" A kid shouts. I had completely forgot about it. I hated that my teacher had a quiz the day after going over new information.

I quickly sat down after glaring at the kid and pulled out my notebook. Maia was puzzled as to why I was rushing. "I forgot to study last night. I though it was tomorrow."

"Honestly same but I study before hand. You'll be fine." She said, pulling out her notebook.

"Let's hope." I scanned through the pages till the very last second.

"Clear your desks- or spots I should say." I placed my notebook in my bag and took out a pen. My heart began to race and my breathing quickened. You can do this. You can do this. I thought to myself trying to calm down.

Once I got the test you examine the questions. I did the ones I knew easily, and saved the harder ones for later.

When I finished the easy ones and the two harder ones, My mind blanked on the last one. Shit. I can't remember. "How many people are still working?" The teacher asked. I raised my hand, glaring at the paper. "Think about something other than the quiz. It will come to you. I see some people are looking at their quiz like their going to explode it with their eyes." He laughed. I looked up to see Maia had already finished. I took my mind off of the quiz and thought about Rey, Poe, and Finn. I closed my eyes and I found myself in a black void. No start, no finish. Just an empty space where I was in the middle. I thought about how I would spend the weekend with my best friend, how I had a vacation coming up in a week, and when I thought about The Force, the answer came to me. Quaternary Structure. I thought in relief. I turned your paper over and waited for the tea-cher to collect it.

I was taking notes as quickly as possible. I ne-eded to look up and down from my notebook to the slideshow, and so on and so forth.

As I was taking notes, the fire alarm went off. Just what I need. I thought. I followed my class through the closest door and outside. I shuffled through ruffly fifty students to the most flammable area, the grass and stood there for fifteen minutes. When we get the ok to head inside I was told to stay out with my class. My teacher did a second head count, and I felt an unwelcome presence. My father.

"We have everyone. Let's go inside." I blurted out.

"We do let's go." The teacher replied. I started walking towards the door when someone pointed out a ship, headed to land where the class was. I watched as the wings folded up. My heart was racing and fear flowed through my body like a river. "We need to run as fast and as far away as possible." People looked at me in confusion. I started running towards a path, and Maia followed me. Everyone else stayed put. "Luna! Where are we going?"

"Just follow me!" I stopped to grab her forearm and dragged her (not literally) down the path.

We went over two small wooden bridges and hid in tall, yellow marsh grass. "Stay as still and as quiet as possible." I whispered. Maia nodded and covered her mouth. We were holding our knees to our chest forming a ball. I slowed my breathing and heart rate so it would be harder for Kylo Ren to find us. Then the unthinkable happens. We heard stormtrooper's walking through the grass. "Sit still" I said quietly through my teeth. Maia nodded, her hand still covering her mouth.

I heard the footsteps getting louder and my heart started racing faster. When they found us, I held onto Maia for dear life. "What do you want from us?" I shouted in terror.

"Kylo Ren wants to see you." One answered. The two pulled out binders and abruptly low-ered there hands, then brought them back up. We backed up still seated on the ground. One walked behind us, and the other stood in front. They firmly grab our biceps, standing us up and placing them in front of us. He pushed Maia to the other trooper and he walked in front of me, holding my hands tightly. Once the bindings were secure, we were escorted back down the path and to the ship.

My classmates and teacher stared as they saw is being escorted by the troopers, holding your biceps firmly. When we got to the grass where the ship is located, they threw us down to our knees. Kylo Ren walked out, his black robes swaying in the wind. He's wearing his helmet (which he never leaves without) which sent a shiver through me. Please don't be real! Please don't be real! I thought to myself.

He saw I had been thrown on the ground and he looked at the stormtroopers. "What part of don't hurt her, do you not understand?" He said, his voice was deep and robotic as if it were a robot, and not a human that laid be-neth the mask. The stormtroopers looked down and I glared at Kylo Ren. Maia was frozen in fear, and flinched when he crouched down to both of us. He looked at Maia, then at me and tilted his head slightly to the right saying, "You seem upset."

"Ya think?" I said, mocking his head movements. Maia looked at me in shock. Around her I was shy. I never talked to anyone or did anything, so she was not used to this. "Luna!" She quietly whispered. I blatantly ignored her. "What do you want?" I asked through my teeth.

"I want you to come with me." Kylo Ren replies. I glared at him harder. He could feel the hatred in my blood. He could sense my heart racing, he could sense my breath quickening. "I will have you on that ship. I don't care what it takes."

"I will never bored that ship."

"Stand them up." The troopers obeyed and grab both of us firmly by our biceps, lifting us up to the point of we almost fell backwards. Kylo Ren held his hand out to me can took my consciousness. I turned and fell into his arms as he scooped me into his arms. "Board her." He ordered to the trooper holding Maia. Her face was full of fear. Once we boarded the ship, it took off leaving your classmates in shock.
Author's Note: Ok I was not sure how this would turn out. I also realize it's a little long. I also realize other write long chapters. Would you like me to do that?

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