Chapter 11 - Mini Interogation

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Maia's Pov:
The whole room watched Luna as she walked out the door. "What's with her?" A woman asked in front of me. She had darker fair skin, black straight hair in a high ponytail, a red and white sweatshirt, blue jeans, and red and white sneakers. "Don't ask me. For all I know everything she has told me may be a lie." I said as I scrolled through Instagram.

"Are the two of you not friends anymore?" She asked. I looked at her and sighed. "Honestly I don't know. I found out some information about her and now I don't think I can trust her."

"When you were with the First Order?"

"I got taken to the Resistance by Poe and Rey. She then told me some ting with Leia when I was in her house."

"What did she say?" The girl next to me asked. She had mid length brown straight hair in braids, a tan hoodie, black yoga pants, and Ugg's boots. "Luna is Kylo Ren's daughter." I said looking at her. Everyone was in shock and I simply nodded my head. "Yeah so she never told me this. What else could she be hiding?"

"Maybe she was scared so she hid it." The first woman said. "Yeah she is most definitely not scared." I laughed.
Luna's Pov:
I walked back in the room holding Poe's shoulder firmly. "Someone get up." I said sternly. A boy stood up and walked to the mini fridge by the desk.

I shoved Poe into the seat. I could feel the fear coming from everyone in the room. The darkness took over. The anger was all I felt.

"Restrain him." I said. A stormtrooper quickly ran over and cuffed his wrists to the arms of the chair.

I leaned down to his eye level by placing my hands on my bent knees. "You are going to listen to me very carefully. I have all day to get the information out of you."

"You and I both know you don't want to do this. You wouldn't hurt me or torture me unless forced."

"You know how much power I have. And between you and me, I never got approval for this and I don't intend on getting it. So if you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you give me what I want." The room was quiet and scared. I was loving it. It had been a while since people were afraid of me.

I stood up straight and stepped closer to him. "When did you sneak into the base?"

"The night before yesterday."

"How did you get past the guards?"

"Simple. Rey did her Jedi mind trick thingy."

"Of course she did." I said as I face palmed. "We need to get smarter troopers."

"I couldn't agree with you more." Poe said with a smile. "But that would mean that you would always win and you can't have all the fun."

"We'll look who's winning now?" I said crossing my arms. "Now, why did you take Maia?"

"We thought she was you. It's hard to see in the dark."

"The dark?"


"How. Did. You. Turn. Off. The. Lights?!"

"Finn snuck in and threatened Phasma to turn them off!" He quickly spoke. I turned my back to him and walked to the wall, banging my head on it. Hard.

"Let's move on to my final question."


"I have a feeling this one is going to be very- how should I say this? Fun for me." I said as I turned around smiling. I could see the fear in his face. I stepped towards him. "What did you tell Maia?"

"I'm sorry repeat?"

"What. Did. You. Tell. Maia. About. Me."

"I'm having trouble understanding the question please repeat." I knew he was doing this to get on my nerves. "Answer the damn question Poe!"

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