Chapter 19 - Christmas Vision

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After the party we walked to the palace. It wasn't far and I didn't feel like sitting. I walked next to my father and we chatted. "Are you upset about Rey?" He said out of nowhere. "What? No!" I snapped my head up. "I was just wondering. I hope you know I'm not replacing your mother."

"I know. In fact Rey has always been like a mother to me. I'm glad that now she can truly be my mother. Do you love her?"

"I do." He placed his arm around me as we continued to walk. I looked back to see Rey and Alina bonding. I looked forward and Kylo kissed the top of my head. I smiled as he pulled me closer to him.

I walked into my room and placed my tiara on the vanity. I walked to the glass sliding doors and onto the balcony. I herd someone walk out behind me. "It's nice out here." I recognized that voice as Rey. I placed my hands on the railing, looking at the city. "I love to come out here and breathe, think, stuff like that."

"I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable tonight."

"Oh no! It was just a lot between my mother, Beck, the crowning ceremonies. So much to take in."

"I am very glad to be a part of your family. I've never really had one."

"I'm sorry to hear that. I am glad to have you as my mother." She embraced me tightly. I didn't want it to end. "You should get some rest." She said once she pulled away. I nodded and we walked back inside. I changed into a black tank top and red and black pajama pants. I climbed into bed and Rey kissed my forehead. "Sleep well."

"You too."

I heard the door open and saw my father walk in. "It's nice to see the two of you together." He placed his and on Rey's back. "I'm glad to have you both in my family." He said as he kissed her cheek. He walked closer to me, placing his hands on the bed, leaning down to kiss my forehead. "Sleep well ok? Come get me if you can't sleep." I nodded as my eyes became heavy. I turned over to face the windows and I felt the blanket cover my exposed shoulders. I immediately drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Kylo's Pov:
I pulled the blanket over Luna's shoulders before walking out with Rey.

I found Maia sitting in the hall. She was looking at her tiara and seemed to be zoned out. "Maia?" No response. "Maia..." Her head jerked up. Her eyes widened at the sight of me. She immediately stood up. "Maia it's aright. Are you okay?" She looked down.

I walked over to her and she stepped back. "I won't hurt you. I promise." She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Maia?" She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed into my chest. "I'm so sorry for all the pain I caused."

"What? Maia why are you saying that?"

"I made you hate me, and now Luna thinks I hate her so she gave me this."

"Maia, no. I don't hate you and Luna especially doesn't hate you."

"What?" She looked up at me. Tears streaming down her face. "You are Luna's best friend. I can tell. She was very upset when you left and now that you're back I haven't seen her this happy in a long time. Any friend of hers, is a friend of mine."

She wiped her tears and smiled. "You should get some rest." I added. She nodded and headed to her room.

Rey and I continued to walk down the hall. "That was very nice. What you did back there." She said. I squeezed her hand. "I care about those who care about Luna. Like you." I kissed her softly.

We walked into Alina's room to see her sitting on her bed. She was in a long sleeve red shirt and pink fuzzy pajama pants. "Mom! Dad!" She ran over to us. We crouched down and hugged her. "Do you like your room?" I asked her. She nodded quickly causing me to laugh. "I'm glad. Now you especially need rest." I picked her up and we walked to her bed.

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