Chapter 12 - Trial

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Maia's Pov:
I stayed in my room for the rest of the day. Or night. Time in space is confusing. If there even is time.

I was sleeping in my room when I heard footsteps. I opened my eyes and jolted awake. Kylo was standing next to me. His face was stern and he was in his normal training attire.

"Get changed. Training is in fifteen minutes." He said as he exited the room.

"Wait!" He abruptly stopped and turned his head to the left. "Is Luna ok?"

"Right now Luna is none of your concern." He continued to walk out the door. So, everyone hates me. I guess I am now considered a traitor. I then remembered what the First Order did to traitors. Oh no. I'm so dead.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and changed into a black tank top, black leggings, and white sneakers. I ran down the hallway while putting my hair into a high ponytail.

When I entered the training room I saw Kylo leaning on the wall. His arms were crossed and he seemed upset. No furious. "You're late." He said as he threw a lightsaber to me. "I- I'm sorry."

"Scared?" He asked as he walked towards me. I gulped hard not moving a muscle. "Hm. Good. You should be." Oh no. I thought to myself. "Duel. Now." He ignited my lightsaber and I remained still. "Maia." No response. "Maia!" I shook myself out of my trance. "Fight. Now!"

"Oh! Right. Sorry." I said as I ignited my saber. "No more sorries. I'm done with sorries." I nodded and started to block his blows.

Whssh. The door opened. Kylo looked up behind me. His face immediately softened. "Hey!" He softly spoke. I turned around to see Luna on crutches. Not the ones that go under your shoulder, but the ones that rest on your forearm. They were grey and the metal sticks were silver. She carefully walked over to Kylo.

"Look at you! Only six more hours and you will be back to normal." He said as he placed his hand on her back. I just watched as he showed her sympathy. It's unheard of on Earth. Everyone knows him as the king of death. But with her, he showed love.

"Why are you here?"

"I wanted to see what I would miss."

"Ok but you are not allowed to do any training. Snoke's orders."

"I know I already spoke with him." She said as she headed towards the mats. She placed the crutches next to her and sat straight up against the wall. She closed her eyes and started to take deep breaths.

Kylo snapped many times to get my attention. "Maia! Focus. Now, from the top."

After a relentless amount of hours of dueling, Kylo ended training. "You need to work on your focus. It's what is going to get you killed. Now you're coming with Luna and I to discuss what is to come of you. Follow me." He walked over to Luba who was now standing. She slowly walked beside him down the hall. Stormtroopers stopped and saluted them as they past. I kept my head down to avoid any contact.

Kylo helped Luna in the meeting room before standing at the head of the table. I sat across from her. General Hux sat next to her. "Is this meeting ready to commence?" Kylo asked. Everyone nodded. "Good. We are here today to discuss the matters of Maia. She was taken from the First Order and refused to come back. This meeting will determine her fate."

"I believe she should receive some sort of punishment for this act. I believe I can do my way just how I do with the troops." General Hux suggested. "Unless pain isn't an option?" My heart stopped. Kylo looked at Luna who had no emotion on her face. "Luna? I leave that question to you."

"Maia so you hate me?" Everyone looked at me. "I'm sorry?"

"You heard me. Do you hate me?"

"No of course not."

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