Chapter 32: The Adversaries

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Peter Parker couldn't remember what just happened. One moment, he just defeated the Green Goblin and walked away. Then, all of a sudden, he just blacked out. He groans tiredly, his head feeling heavy. He then heard the sound of chains.

He looked at his wrists to see that they're covered in chained cuffs. Peter looked at his surroundings to see that he's obviously in an eerie-looking cell. He growled in frustration as he struggled to get himself out, but to no avail. Nothing happened to the cuffs. Not even a small dent.

But then, he heard a voice. A familiar voice. One he never hoped to hear again. He heard the voice said with an arrogant sneer. It is so like him.

?: "So, you're finally awake. Good. About time."

Peter's eyes widened. He hoped that he would stay down. But he had to come back to haunt him from beyond the grave.

Peter Parker: "YOU!" (He said with anger in his voice.)

The voice let out a mocking laugh.

?: "Yes, you buffoonish arachnid. ME. Your intellectual enemy is back!"

The figure then emerged from the shadows. Revealing the owner of the voice.

Otto Octavius.

A man who should be dead.

A man who should be silent.

But here he is.

Otto Octavius: "And welcome to Hell. Literally."

Peter Parker felt even more angry as he then thought to himself.

Peter Parker: "Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse. Fan-fucking-tastic."

Peter Parker: "Let me guess, Mephisto brought you back from the dead, huh?" (He asked snidely)

Otto Octavius then mimicked the sound of a buzzer.

Otto Octavius: "Wrong answer there, my intellectual rival. Besides, he's still busy moping in his castle like a little bitch." (He said with a laugh) "But here's a little hint for you."

Peter Parker: "Oh yeah? What's that?"

Otto Octavius smiled sinisterly and said with maliciousness.

Otto Octavius: "Serpent."

Peter frowned in confusion.


What does he mean by "Serpent"?

He then heard footsteps. But it's not from Otto Octavius.

It's from someone else.

Another figure then emerged from the shadows. But this one, obviously a man, is cloaked, his face is covered by the darkness. The cloaked one looked at Peter. The wall crawler saw the way the unknown individual looked at him, like he knew him. That made Peter confused.

Who and what is he?

The cloaked man then glanced at Otto Octavius. He then barely shifted his right hand at Otto, as if he was relaying something to him. Otto simply nodded and left, getting the message from the cloaked man, as he walked out of the cell, leaving Peter alone with the cloaked individual. Peter clenched his hands tightly on the chains. He heard the cloaked figure say with a cold, yet amused, voice.

?: "Don't bother. Even with your strength you got from that accursed experimented spider, and that genome from the Celestial experiments on early humans that you inherited from, can't even budge the chains. It is of my design after all, for necessary precautions. And don't worry about Ultron, he's been taken care of."

Peter didn't respond. The cloaked man sighed with annoyance.

?: "You're not making this easy, aren't you? Just like some other stubborn mortals that have become a thorn in my side. Abraham, Moses, Arthur, Dante, Pocahontas, Blackbeard, Harriet, Lozen, and even that accursed Steve Rogers."

At the mention of said people, the cloaked figure was seething with anger.

Peter Parker: "Who are you?"

The cloaked figure then removed his hood and revealed the head of a human. Around 40 years old, 6 feet tall, with short black hair. The look on his face made Peter feel annoyed, as if the man did something to do just that. The smugness of his face, Peter definitely felt like he wanted to beat the shit out of him. But he can't do anything, no thanks to those accursed chains.

?: "As Otto said, I am mostly called the Serpent. The Light Bringer. The Morning Star. The Child of Dawn. The Deceiver. The Adversary. The Accuser. And many others."

Peter's eyes widened, now realizing who this is.

Peter Parker: "You are-"

The man simply chuckled, finding Peter's reaction amusing.

?: "Indeed. I am him. Lucifer. And it is so good to finally meet you, cousin."

All of a sudden, Peter felt his world turned upside down as he felt nothing but shock and horror.

A/N: There is an old saying. DUN DUN DUUUN! That one.

A/N: For a bit more information, look at the Gaeaverse Pantheons bio story, which also includes the Abrahamic Pantheon.

A/N: And I do apologize for the wait, I was just occupied with the holidays and elsewhere. And I hope y'all had a good Christmas! See ya 👋!

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