Chapter 26: Lullaby for the Grandchildren

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It was nighttime, and things have gone quiet since the fight between Spinneret and Carnage, as well as his death. Carol Danvers had taken her to Avengers Mountain to get her healed. MJs' wounds were severe, so it'll take some time for the wounds to heal. Her children had come across Carols' mind, which made her panic. Carol then flies from Avengers Mountain with speed that made even the SR-71 Blackbird pale in comparison.

Sometime later, she arrived at Peter and MJs' house. Carol felt her heart racing. She remembered when MJ had given birth to the children, Carol herself happened to be one of the midwives to help MJ out with delivering the children. It was one of the happiest days of her life. When they called her "Auntie Carol", Carol had tears of happiness from her eyes.

Carol still cherishes that moment to this very day.

The cosmic super-anti-heroine then quietly, and slowly, opens the door. Once inside the house, she did the same thing when closing it. It was quiet, too quiet for her liking. Carol then rushes towards the kids room. But she halted when she heard two feminine voices. One seemed familiar to her.

And the other? Not familiar to her.

Carol then slowly opens the door to the kids bedroom. She then heard the familiar voice say.

?: Come in.

Carol complied, although she's cautious about it. She then sees 2 women with beauty that made even Goddesses, including the ones she met, pale in comparison. One was wearing an emerald green cloak. The other one wears a pitch black cloak. Carol then cautiously asked the two feminine cloaked figures with a whisper.

Carol Danvers: Who are you two?

Carol had the feeling that they were smiling at the question she asked. The woman in the green then removed her hood, revealing an all too familiar face of an Elder Goddess.

Carol: Gaea?!

Gaea: That's my Greek name. Don't wear it out. Like with my Roman name being Terra.

Carol: What're you doing here?!

Gaea: Okay, 1: Chill out. 2: Zip it and let me and my sister next to me explain ourselves.

Carol then clamped her mouth shut.

Gaea: Okay, so you probably know of the Elder Gods, right? The first generation of Gods and Goddesses that embodied certain aspects?

Carol simply nodded.

Gaea: And did Thor ever tell you about me?

Carol nodded again.

Gaea: Good. And you remember me during the Chaos War?

Again, Carol simply nodded.

Gaea: Then I recommend you watch what you say and do. Since you showed up, people have been debating on whether you're the real Carol Danvers or is "Captain Marvel" the real Carol Danvers.

Carol growled a bit.

Carol Danvers: I assure you, that's not me.

Gaea: That, I believe. I can hear your heartbeats and see your memories.

Carol sighed a bit in relief.

Carol Danvers: Thank you.

Gaea simply smirked at the cosmic super-anti-heroine.

Gaea: You're welcome.

Carol then looked at the other Elder Goddess wearing a pitch black cloak.

Carol Danvers: Who's that? I know you said that she's your sister, but who is she?

Marvel Gaeaverse Peter & Teresa Parker: Children of The EarthTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang