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A/N: Before I start the first chapter for this story, I just want to give you a heads up. I don't see myself as a good writer, and I don't believe myself to be good at writing a Fanfic story, but I'll try my best so please no hate.

And as for the whole "Peter & Teresa Parker are Children of Gaea" thing, this idea sparked in my head because:

1: Other Fanfic authors don't seem to make a story that focuses on both Peter Parker and Gaea. Which is one of the reasons why I made that "Fanfic Suggestion" story.

2: Ever since I've read chapter 32 of the Fanfic "Spidey's Life is a Game!" by Fanfic user RebukeX7, the idea of Spider-Man and Gaea interacting with each other in any way seems to be stuck in my head.

3: The same can be also said for "Peter Parker: Son of Athena" and "Asgardian Peter Parker" from "Archives of Our Own".

And for another heads up, this isn't your typical "Superior Spider-Man" aftermath Fanfic trope, where some of the characters act a little, or too, OOC. This is a Superior Spider-Man Fanfic where some of the characters are true to how they were portrayed in the 616 comics and the alternate 616 timelines. While some others are somewhat OOC to basically fit the story.

Notable Characters that are true to the comics: MJ/Spinneret, Hawkeye, Felicia Hardy, Gwen Stacy, Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Reed Richards, Hank Pym, Captain America/Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson/Falcon, Rachel Summers, Julia Carpenter, Jessica Drew, Miles Morales, Lady Sif, Hercules, Thor, Hulk, Caiera, She Hulk, Odin, Frigga, Loki.

Notable Characters that act OOC: Mistress Death, Ophelia Sarkissian/Viper/Madame Hydra, Proxima Midnight, Black Swan, Varanke, Artemis, Athena, Mistress Love, Carol Danvers/Warbird, Moonstone, Adriana Soria/Spider-Queen, Sin Schmidt.

Also the name of this Fanfic universe is:


And its' Earth number is:


But it can also be named Earthverse, Spider-Earthverse, or something that you preferred.

So anyways, the next chapter will come sometime tomorrow. So have a good day & a good night my fellows.

Marvel Gaeaverse Peter & Teresa Parker: Children of The EarthWhere stories live. Discover now