A/N: My frustration about people saying that TOAA is a jerk & other things

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A/N: I saw some comments on my story that mentioned something about The One Above All being a jerk. The thing is, I'm skeptical about it. Because those comments didn't leave any actual evidence for The One Above All being just that, especially links, which is why I deleted the comments that pertain to the issue. It's like they expect me to easily believe it like a blind sheep. Do I look like a blind sheep to you?

Do I look like the kind of person that would easily believe something despite the lack of true evidence? What evidence do you have? Or did you just take the opinion of another as fact?

Funny, we call the people of New York blind sheep for immediately believing J Jonah Jameson's words (for a time), despite the lack of evidence, and here we are, automatically believing the words of another and taking it as fact, despite it actually being an opinion. And not only, plenty of us bother to see wether something that someone said is true or not. Well, some of us.

 Well, some of us

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