Chapter 14: The Spirit of Vengeance & The Ride to San Venganza

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Gaea made preparations for her "Roxxon" mission. Knowing how powerful she is, it'll be too easy, and too obvious. People will get suspicious about her if the mission ends too quickly. It's too early for the superhero community to know about her true nature. And honestly, she doesn't know if she'll bring herself to tell them.

Gaea shakes her head to remove the thought in her mind. Now is not the time to dwell in certain thoughts that wouldn't matter at this moment. There's no telling what Roxxon intended to do with the robot imposter of Tomazooma. From what she remembered, Steve Rogers suspected that Roxxon intended to use the robot to terrorize the locals into negotiating a sale. To be honest, that wouldn't surprise her.

A/N: Captain America's suspicions about Roxxon & Robot Tomazooma is a reference to Original Sin Issue 0.

There's only one way to find out. But then, all of a sudden, Gaea had a strange feeling that she won't find out anytime soon. She doesn't know why, though. She then sniffed the air to see if someone unusual was watching her. But what Gaea didn't expect, it's a blonde man with a jacket that had spikes on the shoulder pads and the wrists.

Gaea narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she marched towards him faster than he could blink and grabbed his shirt and lifted him as she swung to a random roof

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Gaea narrowed her eyes suspiciously as she marched towards him faster than he could blink and grabbed his shirt and lifted him as she swung to a random roof. There's something about that blonde man that is familiar to her. But she can't seem to place it. Yet, there is that air of familiarity that she felt. Gaea then asked the man.

Gaea: Who are you? And why are you watching me?

The unknown, yet familiar, man responded with a bit of nervousness.

?: Blaze. My name is Johnathan Blaze. But you can call me Johnny if you like.

Gaea blinked a bit in surprise. Of course there's something about him that is familiar. Johnny Blaze was formerly an accountant, carnival owner, movie stuntman, and a drifter. He's still a stuntman, adventurer, and a demon hunter. Gaea smirked behind her mask, knowing who Johnny Blaze is the host of.

Johnny Blaze: So, uh. You're the "Spider-Earth" that I heard so much about?

Gaea: Yes, Blaze. In fact, my first appearance had spread like wildfire since then. And you didn't answer my second question. Why were you watching me?

Johnny Blaze: Wasn't my idea. It was his.

Gaea, already knowing but decided to play along, asked Johnny Blaze.

Gaea: Who?

After she asks, she then sees smoke coming out of Johnny Blazes' head. And then, fire started to appear. Followed by the melting of his flesh. The flesh disappears like ash, leaving only a skull imbued with an ethereal and supernatural flame. Gaea knew who this was.

This is the one who avenges the innocent and punishes the guilty.

Heaven's Shame.

Hell's Nightmare.

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