Chapter 15: The Fight of San Venganza Part 1

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San Venganza, a town that no one had ever set foot on since its abandonment during the 19th century. He made promises to those people there. One at a time. Soon, those people turned on one another out of greed, and San Venganza drowned in its own blood. And the souls are trapped forever in that godforsaken place.

Gaea had a feeling that he envisioned a contract that would make him more powerful than before. And that's something she didn't want to become real. She had been curious as to why Ghost Rider brought her here to that damn town that should've been crumbled to dust. Was it because she wanted to make up for this "loose end" and help destroy that damn contract? Or was it something else?

San Venganza used to be a nice town, nice people, even she remembered visiting that town a few times, until he came along promising wealth and prosperity, one deal at a time. One fella pricks his finger and signs, gets rich. Others see that, they sign, too. Everyone signs. But pretty soon nobody loves nothing but what's in their pocket, or their neighbor's pocket, or their neighbor's bed.

It's rather tragic for the people there at San Venganza.

The evil live there now, as it had been. Now, nothing grows at San Venganza. No crops, no trees, no children. The town's dying. The well runs dry.

They curse the stranger with their dying breaths, their cursed souls trapped forever in that godforsaken place. Gaea recalled the deal that Blaze made with him. He was a kid back then when he wanted to save his foster father, Craig Simpson. And he did get something in return. It was a heartache.

There was another thing that she still remembered to this day. One that she'll never forget. One that she'll constantly remind herself. One that felt personal to her.

The day that he attempted to make a deal with Peter Parker and Mary Jane, her son and daughter-in-law. The reminder made her body boil with rage. It was a good thing that Peter and MJ didn't make that deal with him. Gaea knew that the idiot Hell Lord only makes empty promises and bargains. Then again, there is a reason as to why he is called by notable aliases such as the "Prince of Liars", "Prince of Deceivers", "Lord of Temptation", etc.

Gaea then gets off her horse and taps it.

Gaea: There will be another day for us to have a ride. Now leave.

The horse nodded as it ran away, leaving Gaea and the Spirit of Vengeance alone. Gaea shifts back to her normal form. Gaea & the Ghost Rider looked at each other and nodded. Ghost Rider changes back to Johnny Blaze as he slowly rides his bike downhill, with Gaea following him on foot. As they started to head to San Venganza, they entered an area where they're only dead trees, devoid of leaves and other vegetation, water, fog, and the chattering sounds of animals.

Gaea felt on edge. Aside from the sounds of the bike and the chattering animals, it feels too quiet. Gaea knew that Blackheart was only expecting Johnny Blaze to show up. Having her into the mix would probably have catastrophic results, or so Gaea felt. But, nonetheless, Gaea knew that both Blackheart & the Contract of San Venganza must be destroyed, in order to ensure that there will be no Hell on Earth.

Both Gaea and Blaze made contact with the water & the low lying fog. It reminded Gaea of a swamp, except that swamps don't look barren. But Gaeas' thoughts drifted away as she heard a bubbling sound from the water. This puts Gaeas' guard up, same for Blaze. As they both looked around, both then heard a burst of water as a demon lunged out and grabbed Johnny, dragging him underwater.

Gaeas' eyes widened in shock. She knew who this particular demon was.



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