Chapter 8: Heartfelt and Wet Dream

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Gaea normally doesn't sleep, since her kin don't get tired at all. But, to keep her from the Avengers and others getting more suspicious about her, she decided to sleep within one of the rooms from another Avengers Base, where said Base happened to be a dead Celestial in the Arctic circle. And here, Gaea started to have a dream. An "intimate" dream to be more specific. But it felt real at the same time.

Gaea's dream; Now.

Gaea wakes up to find herself in her realm, Avalon. A realm devoid of humans, only animals. Those that were thought to be extinct during the Pleistocene that now occurred in Avalon's grasslands, like Columbian Mammoths, American Mastodons, Woolly Mammoths, Elasmotherium, Megaloceros, Brontotherium, Steppe Bison, Smilodon Fatalis, Homotherium Serum, Panthera Atrox/American Lion, Panthera Onca Augusta/North American Giant Jaguar, Arctodus Simus/Giant Short Faced Bear, etc. Gaea walk toward her castle and enters her room. There, she stopped dead in her tracks, like she had seen a ghost, but the difference is, there is no ghost. She's seeing her dead husband, Richard Parker.

Seeing her dead husband, Gaea wanted to deny what she was seeing. A part of her thought this was some sick trick from her fallen brother, Chthon. But another part of her believed that this is Richard Parker standing before her. She almost thought that this was some cruel nightmare, a reminder of her greatest failure. A failure that she hated herself for allowing it to happen

A failure that made her questioned her duty as the Elder Goddess of the Earth.

Gaea could only utter a few words with a choking voice as she walks nervously to him with tears leaking from her eyes.

Gaea: Richard? Is that you, my husband?

Gaea stops as her face gets close to Richards'. Richard lets out a smile, caresses her hair and wipes her tears. He speaks in the voice that Geae had yearned to hear again.

Richard: Yes, Gaea. It's me.

Gaea lets out a gasp as she hugs Richard in a tight embrace. Richard did the same. It's an embrace that would last for eternity. Both Gaea and Richard then kissed passionately. For what seemed like hours, Richard and Gaea ceased their kissing. Gaea then says to Richard emotionally.

Gaea: I missed you, Richard.

Richard: I missed you too, Gaea. Still hot and beautiful as even.

Gaea, as she recovers from her emotional experience, blushes furiously and gives Richard a soft playful punch on the right shoulder as both her and Richard let out a laugh.

Gaea: Shut up.

But she's just messing around. Gaea then asks Richard with curiosity in her voice.

Gaea: How are you even here?

Richard: I asked a certain spine chilling cosmic lady if I can visit you.

Gaea's eyes widened, knowing who he was referring to.

Gaea: Mistress Death.

Richard: Yep. I do remember her mentioning our son, Peter.

Gaea blinks in surprise. To be honest, she wasn't even aware of Mistress Death having an interest in Peter. But what kind of interest?

Gaea: I suppose that she has feelings for Peter?

Richard shrugged his shoulders, not really knowing the answer, but he did have his suspicions about Mistress Deaths' interest in Peter.

Richard: I suspect.

After plenty of time catching up with one another, Gaea and Richard are having a recent discussion about May Parker.

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